The importer will require a full set of
bills of lading in order to obtain the goods from overseas port. The bills of
lading can only be obtained by payment of the bill of exchange (D/P), or by
acceptance (D/A). Therefore, the importer cannot obtain the goods without paying
or accepting the bill of exchange, and conversely an exporter retains control of
the goods until payment or acceptance of bill of exchange. When goods are sent
by air, the airway bill could show the importer’s bank as consignee. Once again
the importer must pay or accept a bill of exchange to be able to obtain the
goods. Once the importer has paid or accepted the bill of exchange, the
importer’s bank will issue a delivery order. The delivery order is an authority,
signed on behalf of the bank, authorizing the airport to release the goods to
the named importer. An exporter should A. paying or accepting the bill of exchange B. paying in cash C. opening a letter of credit D. showing the bill of exchange [单项选择]处置突发事件过程中,我们要控制好口岸内出入境人员的情绪。因此,要避免造成紧张气氛,我们在处置突发事件时要遵循()的原则。
A. 依靠科技,科学处置 B. 以人为本,生命至上 C. 统一领导,分级负责 D. 内紧外松,处控结合 [单选题]测试电压互感器接线前必须检查各测量线的( ),接线应由有经验的人员进行,防止电压互感器二次回路短路。
A.是否完好 B.使用情况 C.绝缘情况 D.以上全部 [判断题]省会城市、副省级城市媒体等曝光属供电部门主观责任并产生较大负面影响的供电服务质量事件为重大供电服务质量事件。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]电绝缘手套最高测试电压为5000伏。( )(易)
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]一般事故隐患,是指危害和整改难度( ),发现后能够及时整改排除的隐患。
A.较小 B.一般 C.较大 D.特殊 [单选题]患者男性,52岁。因反复上腹部隐痛伴嗳气、食欲减退3个月,经检查诊断为“慢性胃窦炎”,下列项目中,最有诊断意义的是
A.消化道症状 B.胃液分析 C.胃镜检查 D.血清学检查 E.胃肠钡餐X线检查 [单选题]出站信号机的灯光熄灭、显示不明或显示不正确时,均视为( )信号。J413
A.停车 B.进行 C.注意 [判断题]双线区段反方向来车时,驻站联络员应及时通知现场防护员转报施工负责人。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]发电机使用过程中,严禁接触灼热的消声器、气缸体等高温零件,更不可接触旋转的部件。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]目前执行的《湖南省医疗机构护理文书书写规范》开始实施于()年
A.2013 B.2015 C.2017 D.2019 E.2021 [简答题]安全生产宣传教育的核心是什么?
[单选题]在夏、冬两季,当单个辅助逆变器故障时,辅助供电系统的( )供电模式仍可通过其余辅助逆变器的容量确保所有空调系统的完好运行,使乘客的乘坐舒适性得到进一步的保证。
A.交叉 B.扩展 C.并网 D.分段 我来回答: 提交