What is your favorite color Do you
like yellow, orange, and red If you do, you must be an optimist, an active
person who enjoys life, people and{{U}} 62 {{/U}}.Do you prefer grays
and blues Then you’re probably quiet,{{U}} 63 {{/U}}, and you would
rather follow than{{U}} 64 {{/U}}You tend to be a{{U}} 65
{{/U}}. At least, this is what psychologists tell us, and they should know
because they have been{{U}} 66 {{/U}}studying the meaning of color{{U}}
67 {{/U}}as well as the effect that colors have{{U}} 68
{{/U}}human beings. They tell us,{{U}} 69 {{/U}}other facts that we do
not{{U}} 70 {{/U}}our favorite color as we grow up since we are born
with our preference. If you happen to love brown, you did so, as soon as you
opened your eyes, or{{U}} 71 {{/U}}as soon as you could see
clearly. Colors do{{U}} A. especially B. critically C. gravely D. seriously [填空题] 集中供电车列的调车作业,其车辆的摘挂和软管的摘结由( )负责。
A.消防设施安全检查 B.火灾隐患整改 C.消防应急预案编制 D.消防应急预案编制演练 [单选题]“蚕豆病”患者缺失________。
A.乙酰化酶 B.过氧化氢酶 C.葡萄糖-6-磷酸脱氢酶 D.酪氨酸酶 E.谷丙转氨酶 [单项选择]男性,50岁,从事机械修理30年,因咳嗽、活动时呼吸困难加剧,偶有局部一过性胸痛而就诊,X线胸片显示两侧肺野有较高密集度的不规则小阴影,纵隔胸膜增厚与心包粘连,心缘轮廓模糊不清.显示蓬乱影响.临床医师要求劳动卫生职业病医师会诊。与该病人X线胸片上的表现最相符的尘肺种类是()
A. 矽肺 B. 石棉肺 C. 水泥尘肺 D. 煤工尘肺 E. 有机尘肺 [简答题]进入作业现场应正确佩戴安全帽,现场作业人员还应穿( )、绝缘鞋。
[多选题] 起重机械使用的主要电气安全问题有()。 *
A.防雷 B.短路防护 C.运行位置控制 D.外电防护 E.电磁感应防护 我来回答: 提交