Insurance is the sharing of (1) . Nearly everyone is exposed (2) risk of some sort. The house owner, for example, knows that his (3) can be damaged by fire; the ship owner knows that his vessel may be lost at sea; the breadwinner knows that he may die by (4) and (5) his family in poverty. On the other hand, not every house is damaged by fire or every vessel lost at sea. ff these persons each put a (6) sum of money into a pool, there will be enough to (7) the needs of the few who do suffer (8) , In other words the losses of the few are met from the contributions of the (9) . This is the basis of (10) . Those who pay the contributions are known as (11) and those who administer the pool of the contributions as insurer. The (12) for an insurance naturally depends on how the risk is to happen as suggested (13) past experience, ff the companies fix their premiums too (14) , there will be more competition in their branch of insurance and they may lose (15) . On the other hand, if they m
Property Market Downturn
Over the first quarter of (24) year, there has only been $50 million of turnover in the local real estate market. This compares unfavorable with the $90 million recorded at the same time last year.
Beverley Hauritz, the chair of the Professional Realty Association, told reporters that she was not surprised by the figures, which she believes are a result of the global financial crisis. (25) , she is anticipating an even bigger decrease next quarter, as investors look to reduce spending even further.
Although there has been talk among (26) that property prices may continue falling throughout the rest of the year, Ms. Hauritz remains confident that the property market will begin to pick up again in the future. Her prediction is that prices will return to their previous levels by the end of the year.
东海股份有限公司(以下称东海公司)为增值税一般纳税人,东海公司20×7年、20×8年长期股权投资业务等有关资料如下: (1)20×7年1月1日,东海公司应收北方公司账款的账面余额为2300万元,已计提坏账准备200万元。由于北方公司发生财务困难,东海公司与北方公司达成债务重组协议,同意北方公司以银行存款200万元、B专利权和所持有的南洋公司长期股权投资抵偿全部债务。根据北方公司有关资料,B专利权的账面价值为500万元,已计提资产减值准备100万元,公允价值为500万元;持有的南洋公司长期股权投资的账面价值为800万元,公允价值(等于可收回金额)为1000万元。当日,东海公司与北方公司即办理完专利权的产权转移手续和股权过户手续,不考虑此项债务重组发生的相关税费。东海公司将所取得的专利权作为无形资产核算,并准备长期持有所取得的南洋公司股权(此前东海公司未持有南洋公司股权,取得后,持有南洋公司10%股权,采用成本法核算此项长期股权投资)。 (2)20×7年3月2日,南洋公司发放20×6年度现金股利,东海公司收到50万元现金股利;20×7年度,南洋公司实现净利润800万元,未发生其他引起所有者权益变动的事项。 (3)20×8年1月5日,东海公司以银行存款2500万元购入南洋公司20%股权,另支付10万元的相关税费。至此持股比例达到30%,改用权益法核算此项长期股权投资。20×8年1月5日南洋公司的可辨认净资产的公允价值为13000万元。 (4)20×8年3月2日,东海公司为奖励本公司职工按市价回购本公司发行在外普通股100万股,实际支付价款800万元(含交易费用);3月20日将回购的100万股普通股奖励给职工,奖励时按每股6元确定奖励股份的实际金额,同时向职工 A. 70 B. 80 C. 90 D. 100 [单选题]进行薪酬调查时,若被调查的岗位复杂且数量大,应采用()的方法。
A.企业之间相互调查 B.问卷调查 C.采集社会公开信息 D.委托中介机构进行调查 [单选题]消防避火服适用于( )防护。
A.放射性污染 B.高温有火焰灼伤危险场所 C.军事毒剂 D.化学事故现场 [单项选择]下列哪项心电图改变不支持左房肥大的诊断
A. 肢导P波振幅大于>0.25mV B. P波增宽 C. P波时间大于0.11s D. P波常呈双峰型,峰间距≥0.04s [单选题]离心泵装置用闸阀来调节要注意的是,关小闸阀增加的扬程都消耗在( )上了,只是增加了损失,不能增加静扬程,而在设计时尽量不采用这种方式。
A.管路 B.水泵出口 C.阀门 D.吸水管路 [单选题]九味羌活汤的组成药物中含有
A.白芍药 B.山茱萸 C.生地黄 D.麦门冬 E.枸杞子 [单选题]视频监控设备视频信息储存时间不得少于( )个月。
A.1 B.2 C.3 D.4 [单项选择]治顽痰咳嗽宜用的中药是
A. 百部 B. 款冬花 C. 紫菀 D. 天南星 E. 桑白皮 [简答题]什么叫爆破自由面?
[单选题]专勤消防车(不含通讯指挥消防车)、后援消防车(不含供水消防车) 一次大修费用超过新车价格( )的,必须退役。中
A.30% B.40% C.45% D.50% 我来回答: 提交