Steve Courtney wrote historical novels.
Not, he was quick to explain, over-colourful love stories of the kind that made
so much money for so many women writers, but novels set, and correctly set, in
historical periods. Whatever difference he saw in his own books, his readers did
not seem to notice it, and his readers were nearly all women. He had studied at
university, but he had been a particularly good student, and he had never
afterwards let any academic knowledge he had gained interfere with his
writing. Helen, his wife, who did not have a very high opinion of her husband’s ability as a novelist, had been careful to say when she married him that she was not historically minded. Above all, Helen was doubtful whether her relationship with Steve would work at all in the village of Stretton, to which they had just moved A. popular but unimportant. B. serious works of literature. C. admired for their historical truth. D. written with women readers in mind. [多选题]对于油浸电流互感器本体缺陷,以下不为严重缺陷的是( )。
A.冒烟、着火 B.外绝缘放电较为严重,但未超过第二裙 C.外绝缘放电超过第二裙 D.外绝缘破损、开裂 [填空题]现场防护员不得干与防护无关的事,执行( )联系制度,发现联系 中断,应立即组织作业人员( )并下道避车。
[判断题]代表的产生不符合规定程序的,应当责成原选举单位重新进行选举;代表不具备资格的,应当责成原选举单位撤换。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]移动电子制动阀的自动制动手柄到“初制动”位置,制动缸压力上升,制动管压力不变。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]章于1991年到海南打工,1993年底,章所打工的企业因一起经济纠纷,一年多没给工人发工资,章便辞工回家。1994年2月,章与丽结婚,1995年,章又跑到海南与他人合资办了一个公司,因流动资金吃紧,章见挣钱无望,便把公司交给合伙人,回到家没给妻子带回来一分钱,1997年7月两人经法院调解离婚。后来,丽得知章有两笔款,一是1994年6月企业给章补发的2万元工资;二是1997年10月合伙人把海南公司卖掉,章分得10万元,她认为,自己有权分割这两笔钱,便起诉到法院,而章坚决不让分割。经法院审理认定,第一笔钱虽是婚后所得,但是婚前挣来的,应属章个人财产,不能分割;第二笔钱虽是离婚后所得,但却是他们婚姻存续期间应该享受和得到的财产权利,因此,法院把第二笔款进行分割,两人各得5万元。
试分析夫妻共同财产的分割程序和原则。 [多选题]消防救援人员有下列情形之一的,应当从重给予处分。( )
A.阻止他人检举、提供证据的 B.串供或者伪造、隐匿、毁灭证据的 C.包庇同案人员的 D.胁迫、唆使他人实施违法违纪行为的 [简答题]简述UDP的服务类型并给出4种基于UDP的应用层协议
[多选题]当验明检修的低压线路、设备确已无电压后,至少应采取以下措施之一防止反送电:( )
A.关好柜门 B.所有相线和零线接地并短路 C.绝缘遮蔽 D.在断开点加锁、悬挂“禁止合闸,有人工作!”或“禁止合闸,线路有人工作!”的标示牌 [单项选择]为了保护电机,吸水机吸水时污水箱首先要放入()。
A. 静电吸尘水 B. 不锈钢油 C. 化泡剂 D. 空气新鲜剂 我来回答: 提交