In the American family the husband and wife usually share important decision **. When the children are (51) enough, they take part as well. Foreigners are often surprised by the permissiveness(宽容) of American parents. The old rule that "children should be seen and not heard" is rarely (52) , and children are often allowed to do (53) they wish without strict control of their parents. The father seldom expects his children to listen to him (54) question, and children are encouraged to be (55) at an early age. Some people believe that American parents carry this freedom (56) far. Others think that a strong father image would not (57) the American values of equality and independence. Because Americans emphasize the importance of independence, young people are expected to (58) their parental families by the time they have (59)
A. too
B. almost
C. nearly
D. so
The Chinese written language is of
conservation type that assigns a single distinctive symbol, or character, to
each word of the vocabulary. Knowledge of 3000 to 4000 characters is needed to
read newspapers, and a large dictionary contains more than 40,000 characters
(arranged according to sound or form). Like other scripts of ancient origin,
Chinese is derived from picture writing. It grew into a word-by-word
representation of language when it was discovered that words too abstract to be
readily pictured could be indicated by their sound rather than their sense.
Unlike other scripts, however, Chinese still works pictographically as well as
phonetically. Moreover, its sound indications have not been adapted to changes
of pronunciation but have remained the key of pronunciation of 3000 years ago.
The building blocks of the system are several hundred pictogr A. (A) 1,000 B. (B) 2,000 C. (C) 3,000 D. (D) 40,000 [单选题]桥梁钢结构物螺栓松动量≤20%,则损坏评价等级为( ),扣分值 20 分。
A.无 B.少量 C.大量 D.严重 [判断题]认股权证的价格波动幅度大于股票价格的波动幅度,说明认股权证的投机性更强。()
A. 液滴型(挤出成不连续液滴) B. 漫流型(出喷丝孔沿板面漫流,细流不稳定) C. 胀大型(出喷丝口细流胀大) D. 破裂型(纺丝流体中出现不稳定流动) [单选题]妮妮、波波、天天进行乒乓球比赛,如果每两个人进行一场比赛,一共要比赛场。
A.2 B.3 C.4 [多选题]轻型车辆是指由随乘人员能随时撤出线路外的轻型轨道车及其他非机动轻型车辆,它包括:( )。
A.轨道检查仪 B.钢轨探伤仪 C.单轨小车 D.吊轨小车 [单选题] 下列哪种疾病属于国家严格管理的传染病
A.百日咳 B.肺结核 C.麻风病 D.风疹 E.霍乱 [简答题]ZPW-2000A室内设备中发送器的作用?
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]患者男,36岁。上腹痛3天,一天前寒战高热,查体:右季肋下触及一包块,触痛,可随呼吸上下移动,该患者的诊断为()
A. 急性胆囊炎 B. 急性胰腺炎 C. 急性肝炎 D. 肝脓肿 E. 胆囊癌 [简答题]率的标准化法
A. 统一负责 B. 统一管理 C. 分级负责 D. 分级管理 [单选题]Is there anyone to meet you?
A.Yes, my wife meet me at the station. B.Come along with me. C.No, thank you. D.Yes, please. [多选题]截瘫病人常见并发症包括( )
A.压疮 B.坠积性肺炎 C.泌尿系感染 D.心力衰竭 E.足下垂 [填空题]急性期的康复一般只需____________
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]BB021在钢丝绳种类的叙述中,不正确的是( )。
A.按钢丝绳结构组成分有三种 B.按钢丝绳直径分常用的有六种 C.按钢丝绳股数×绳数划分有六种 D.按钢丝绳捻制方法分有两种 [单选题]攀登训练必须严格遵守操作规程,严格检查保护设施,保护人员不得少于( )人,且必须时刻保持精力集中,下方应设置缓冲垫。
A.1 B.2 C.3 D.4 [单项选择]化疗患者血小板低于多少时有潜在的出血( )
A. 50×109/L B. 20×109/L C. 100×109/L D. 80×109/L [简答题]请在“答题”菜单中选择相应的命令,并按照题目要求完成下面的操作。
注意:以下的文件必须保存在考生文件夹下。 王丽是广东猎头猎头信息文化服务公司的一名客户经理,在2013年中秋节即将来临之际,他进行设计了一个中秋贺卡,发给有业务来往的客户,祝他们中秋节快乐。 请根据上述活动的描述,利用Microsoft Word制作一张中秋贺卡(贺卡的参考样式请参考“Word-中秋贺卡参考样式.docx”文件),要求如下: 调整文档版面,设置纸张大小为A4,纸张方向为横向。 [判断题]根据《营销现场作业安全工作规程(试行)》,变电作业现场,检修设备停电,与停电设备有关的变压器、电压互感器及无功补偿装置等具有储能功能的设备,应将设备各侧断开,防止向停电检修设备反送电。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]《联合国海洋法公约》规定,毗连区从领海基线量起,不应超( )。
A.6海里 B.12海里 C.200海里 D.24海里 [单选题]CR400AF动车组烟火报警系统具有事件记录查询和存储功能,可随时查询系统近期所发生的()条事件记录,并将发生火警前的实时数据进行存储,记录已完成对控制器进行重要的系统设置操作。
A.100 B.500 C.999 D.1000 [判断题]( )正循环司钻法和压回法是最常规的压井方法。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]以下选项中,不属于民法的基本原则的是( )。
A.平等原则 B.自愿原则 C.公平原则 D.合法原则 [单选题]风力大于5级,或湿度大于()时,不宜带电作业。
A.60% B.70% C.80% D.90% 我来回答: 提交