Since the 1960s, the British have
become more adventurous in their diet and now eat a wide {{U}} (67)
{{/U}} of food from around the world. Many {{U}} (68) {{/U}} foods
such as beef and potatoes have given {{U}} (69) {{/U}} to seafood and
pasta dishes. Fast food has also become more {{U}} (70) {{/U}}, and
hamburger restaurants now {{U}} (71) {{/U}} the traditional fish-and-chip
shops {{U}} (72) {{/U}} popularity. Numerous Chinese and Indian
restaurants and pizza houses provide take-away {{U}} (73) {{/U}}, and
many pubs (public houses) serve {{U}} (74) {{/U}} from snacks to full
meals as well as alcoholic beverages. Traditional English dishes include roast
beef and steak-and-kidney pie. The English generally eat three {{U}} (75) {{/U}} a day. The traditional English breakfast consists {{U}} (76) {{/U}} any or all of the following: A. not any B. no C. not D. nor [判断题]安全管理的主要目的是保护国家矿产资源,使本企业的财产、生产设备免遭损失。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]间接电击是由于电气设备绝缘损坏发生接地故障,设备金属外壳及接地点周围出现对地电压引起的。它包括 。
A.单相电击 B.接触电压电击 C.两相电击 D.跨步电压电击 [单项选择]以下四项中不是计算机中使用的声音文件的是()。
A. WAV B. MP3 C. TIF D. MID [单项选择]又名病毒唑
A. 利巴韦林 B. 阿昔洛韦 C. 盐酸小檗碱 D. 呋喃妥因 E. 克霉唑 [填空题]架空煤气管道的严密性试验时,高炉减压阀组后的净煤气总管的试验压力为()kpa。
[多选题]护理记录应做到: ( )
A.及时 B.准确 C.客观 D.连续 E.完整 [单项选择]Nobody likes taking exams; exams (51) our own language can be stressful enough but somehow exams in a foreign language always seem to (52) more worry and anxiety. Well, the good news is that, if you (53) some simple steps, taking English language exams can be really quite (54) It won’t exactly be fun, but it certainly shouldn’t give you too many headaches or (55) nights.
If you are planning to (56) one of the well - known exams such as Cambridge First Certificate, you will probably find that there’s a preparation course (57) at a school near you. Cheek that the school has a good (58) of exam success and that the teacher is (59) . It is a good idea to ask if you will be given homework and (60) your written work will be marked by a teacher (61) knows the level of English (62) by the exam. If you take (63) exam preparation course, your teacher will give you all the A. useless B. careless C. careful D. sleepless [单选题]机务段对入段机车的行车安全设备记录的( )进行转储.分析。
A.通讯信息 B.故障信息 C.运行信息 [单项选择]有关站立前期先天性髋关节脱位的描叙,下列哪项是错误的()
A. 患儿的会阴部增宽 B. 患者髋关节活动受限 C. Ortolani征阳性 D. 肢体缩短 E. GaleaZzi征阴性 [单项选择]对长度为10的顺序表进行搜索,若搜索前面5个元素的概率相同,均为1/8;搜索后面5个元素的概率相同,均为3/40,则搜索到表中任一元素的平均搜索长度为()。
A. 5.5 B. 5 C. 39/8 D. 19/4 [单选题] 与破拆目的不一致的是()。
A. 形成“隔离带” B. 改变烟气流向 C. 阻止火势蔓延 D. 形成大面积燃烧 [单选题]下列说法中,不正确的是( )。
A.与人相比,动物细胞对电离辐射所造成的损害不敏感 B.辐射可以影响机体造红细胞和白细胞的能力 C.辐射可以影响晶状体,造成白内障 D.在X线摄影过程中,年龄不满18岁的青少年不能对动物进行保定 [简答题]新建、改建高速公路、一级公路或者城市道路中的快速路,需要与铁路交叉的,应当设置立体交叉设施,并优先选择____的方案。
[单选题]擅自发车系指车站发车人员未确认( )直接发车
A.出站信号 B.发车收信号 C.发车指示信号 D.发车信号 [多选题]用人单位招用劳动者时,应当如实告知劳动者( )等情况。
A.工作内容 B.工作条件 C.职业危害 D.劳动报酬 E.劳动者要求了解的其他情况 [单项选择]可用于反映报告期和基期相对汇率水平变化的是()
A. 双边汇率 B. 有效汇率 C. 实际汇率 D. 名义汇率 [单项选择]对于计算机网络设备而言,其能够承受的瞬时过电压不超过(),否则就会导致设备损坏。
A. 700V B. 770V C. 7000V D. 7700V [单选题](2015年)下列不属于注册会计师的专家的是( )。
A.受雇于会计师事务所的帮助评估投资性房地产的资产评估师 B.就复杂会计问题提供建议的会计师事务所技术部门人员 C.对与企业重组相关的复杂税务问题进行分析的会计师事务所税务部门人员 D.对保险合同进行精算的会计师事务所精算部门人员 [单选题]以下导航设备中,( )发射的电磁波主要靠直射波方式传播。
A.A、指点标 B.B、NDB C.C、罗兰 D.D、OMEGA 我来回答: 提交