Scientists have come up with a theory
for why time flies when you are having fun and drags when you are
bored. Scans have shown that {{U}} (62) {{/U}} of activity in the brain change depending on how we focus on a task. Concentrating on time passing, as we do when bored, will {{U}} (63) {{/U}} brain activity which will make it seem as though the clock is ticking more {{U}} (64) {{/U}}. The research, by the French Laboratory of Neurobiology and Cognition, is published in the magazine Science. In the study, 12 volunteers watched an image while researchers {{U}} (65) {{/U}} their brain activity using MRI(核磁共振成像) scans. Volunteers were given a {{U}} (66) {{/U}} of tasks. In one they were told to concentrate simply on the duration of an image, in {{U}} (67) {{/U}} they were asked to focus on the {{U}} (68) {{/U}}, and in a third t A. finding B. noticing C. discovering D. spotting [简答题]
A公司当年销售额为1 000 000元,税后净利为120 000元。其他有关资料如下: [单项选择]
Which of the following statements is true A. Konka was popular only in the UK. B. Konka sold better in Europe than in the UK. C. Konka was sold all over Europ [单选题](79091)关于SS4型电力机车部分高压试验,( )的叙述是错误的。(2.0分)
A.闭合主断路器按键401SK,辅台控制电压表显示上升至110 V B.闭合主断路器按键401SK,看主台“主断”灯、“零压”灯灭 C.闭合压缩机按键405SK(风压高于700 kPa时,闭合408SK),看:网压波动30~60 V D.闭合劈相机按键404SK,看:辅助电压表针波动30~60 V,“劈相机”灯亮又灭 [单选题]《传染病防治法》第十八条,各级疾病预防控制机构在传染病预防控制中履行的职责包括( )
A.实施传染病预防控制规划、计划和方案 B.收集、分析和报告传染病监测信息,预测传染病的发生、流行趋势 C.开展传染病实验室检测、诊断、病原学鉴定 D.开展健康教育、咨询,普及传染病防治知 E.以上都是 [多选题]挖坑时,应及时清除坑口附近的浮土、石块,路面铺设材料和泥土应分别堆置,在堆置物堆起的斜坡上不得放置()等器物。
A.工具 B.桩锚 C.杆塔 D.材料 [单选题]加热时间过长,容易造成的加热事故为( )。
A.落道 B.刮墙 C.粘钢 D.混号 [单项选择]作业人员应将防护用品保存在清洁、干燥、通风的地方,并对其进行清洁维护,()检查以上防护用品的外观,确保其长期完整、有效。
A. 每天 B. 每周 C. 每半月 D. 每月 [填空题]保险柜密码的保管要求。保险柜的原始密码和现行密码由()保管,与备用钥匙一同存放
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]“统得过多,统不起来”主要是指( )。
A.党委集体领导把握不好 B.党委统一领导把握不好 C.首长分工负责制把握不好 D.执行民主集中制把握不好 [单选题]线路架设施工中,杆坑的挖掘深度,一定要满足设计要求。其允许误差不得超过( )
A.±50mm B.+120mm C.+100mm,-50mm D.±30mm 我来回答: 提交