Text 2 Naturalism is the view that the "natural" universe, the universe of matter and energy, is all that there really is. By ruling out a spiritual part of the human person which might survive death and a (god who might resurrect the body, naturalism also rules out survival after death. In addition, naturalism denies human freedom on the grounds that every event must be explainable by deterministic natural laws. It denies any absolute values because it can find no grounds for such values in a world made up only of matter and energy. And finally, naturalism denies that the universe has any meaning or purpose because there is no God to give it a meaning or purpose, and nothing else which can give it a meaning or purpose. Anyone who accepts the first three denials, of God, spiritual beings, and immortality, might be called a naturalist in the broad sense, and anyone who adds to these the denial of freedom, values, and purpose might be labeled a naturalist in the st
A. inherent impracticability.
B. wrong assumption.
C. inner contradiction.
D. illogical reasoning.
The Cold Places The Arctic is a polar region. It surrounds the North Pole. Like Antarctica, the Arctic is a land of ice and snow. Antarctica holds the record for a low temperature reading--125 degrees Fahrenheit below zero. Reading of 85 degrees below zero is common in both the Arctic and Antarctica. Winter temperatures average 30 degrees below zero in the Arctic. At the South Pole the winter average is about 73 degrees below zero. One thing alone makes it almost impossible for men to live in Antarctica and in parts of the Arc tic. This one thing is the low temperature--the killing chill of far North and the polar South. To survive, men must wear the warmest possible clothing. They must buil [判断题]企业出售投资性房地产时,应将售价与账面价值的差额计入投资收益。()
[单选题]无线调车灯显设备显示绿、黄灯交替后( )是溜放信号。
A.白灯长亮 B.黄灯长亮 C.绿灯长亮 D.灯光熄灭 [单选题]B787飞机上的CAP显示A WASTE TANK FULL OR INOP表示:
A.一个马桶不工作 B.一个废水箱过满或不工作 C.一个洗手间不工作 D.废水箱不工作 [填空题]线路设备维护工作的主要内容包括技术管理、()、对外配合、()、定期维护和中修、大修、应急抢修、竣工验收等。
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