In my children’s lifetimes, I believe gorillas, chimpanzees and orangutans will all become extinct in the wild. So the question we have to ask ourselves is this: do we want our children to see only in zoos what used to exist in the real world (46) It is the great apes that will disappear first, because there are so few of them left, and because they’re so vulnerable to changes in their habitats.
Many of the threats to these animals result from a global economy not local pressures. The threat to the orangutan in Indonesia, for example, is largely a result of deforestation and the risks to primates in Africa result from the timber-trade and the demand for bush-meat. (47) The two work together: logging opens up the forest, which means that the bush-meat can be got out fast, to Kinshasa or to London.
(48) If we want to avoid the disaster scenario, people in developed countries will have to take a global perspective and accept responsibilit
Can you believe it There’s a world
paper shortage. There’s a national bottle shortage, and we’re running out of raw
materials like timber and tin -- or so the papers say. Well, I’ve just emptied
my shopping basket after my weekly shopping trip and it was full of things made
from these scarce materials. Half of what I’d bought I threw away at once; all
those unnecessary paper bags, plastic bags, fresh wrapping paper and old
newspapers they put the food in nowadays. Modern packaging makes shopping cleaner and more convenient, but at what cost Every time you throw away a paper bag you’re throwing away part of a tree -- and trees don’t grow overnight! At this rate there soon won’t be any trees left, and then what shall we do Perhaps we’ll learn to do what my mother did. She used to keep a store of paper bags in a kitchen A. We are tired of the part of a tree. B. We are throwing away paper bags. C. We are using too much wrapper paper. D. We are wasting our precious materials. [填空题]饭店文化的核心内容是()。
[填空题]东风4B型机车启动变速箱采用润滑方式是( )。
导游让大家报名去: A. 参观 B. 吃饭 C. 看京剧 D. 参加演出 [单项选择]下列可以考虑采用预存式自体输血的是()。
A. 肝、肾功能不全的患者 B. 有脓毒症或菌血症者 C. 估计术中需要输血的择期手术患者 D. 血液可能受到肿瘤细胞污染的患者 E. 已有严重贫血的患者 我来回答: 提交