When you meet Tim Winton, it’s easy to
understand his success at writing for teenagers. He likes surfing and fishing
and camping and hanging out in the vast tract of sand dunes that borders the
one-pub fishing town where he lives in Western Australia. He even
looks like the big kid who sat behind you in high school and has the kind of
laid-back manner and earthy conversation that you know appeals to those too
young to be treated as kids but not grown-up enough to be admitted to the adult
world. Winton’s first foray into teenage fiction, Lockie Leonard, Human Torpedo, is about to go into its second printing. Even more gratifying for the writer has been the response the book has prompted. He’s had scores of appreciative letters "from kids, parents, teachers", and has read passages from the book to students in country high schools. Writing for young A. It is best to start writing when you are young. B. Earning a living from writing requires painstaking effort. C. The decision to become a writer was carefully considered. D. The decision to become a writer was not carefully considered. [单项选择]The population of India is much larger than()of Sweden.
A. that B. such C. what D. so [判断题]触电容易因剧烈痉挛而摔倒,导致电流通过全身并造成摔伤、坠落等二次事故。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]半自动车钩的功能包括( )。
A.自动机械联挂 B.自动气路联挂 C.手动或气动解钩 D.自动电路连接 [判断题]在电路中,电容器具有隔断直流、通过交流的作用。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]子夜是指现在的【 】。
A.北京时间23时至01时 B.北京时间23时 C.北京时间24时 D.北京时间凌晨一点时 [单项选择]{{B}}Passage One
Questions 26 to 28 are bused on the passage you have just heard.{{/B}}
A. The Joshua Tree. B. With or Without You. C. Rattle and Hum. D. All That You Can’t Leave Behind. [单选题]四显示自动闭塞区段,通过色灯信号机显示一个绿色灯光和一个黄色灯光,准许列车按规定速度运行,要求注意准备减速,表示运行前方有()个闭塞分区空闲。
A.一 B.两 C.三 [单选题]-E-O-001 4 2 4
高锰钢整铸辙叉心宽 40mm断面处,辙叉心垂直磨耗(不含翼轨加高部分),60kg/m及以上钢轨,在容许速度大于 120km/h的在到发线上超过( )mm时,应判断为重伤。 A.6 B.8 C.10 D.12 [判断题]参加涉外活动,或者出国执行任务时,应当坚持礼仪对等原则,遵循相关国际惯例和有关外事礼节的规定。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]属于医师执业权利的是()
A. 医师在执业活动中,人格尊严、人身安全不受侵犯 B. 医师在执业活动中,应遵守法律法规,遵守技术操作规范 C. 对医学专业技术有重大突破,作出显著贡献的医师,应当给予表彰或奖励 D. 医师应当使用经国家有关部门批准使用药品、消毒剂和医疗器械 E. 对考核不合格的医师,可责令其接受培训和继续医学教育 [单项选择]决定某种外源化学物对机体损害作用的最重要因素是()
A. 毒物种类 B. 接触剂量 C. 进入途径和方式 D. 接触时间 E. 物种与个体差异 [单项选择]检疫时发现有危险性病虫害的,不准带离运输工具,做( )处理。
A. 除害 B. 封存 C. 销毁 D. 除害,封存或销毁 [单选题]下列说法正确的是( )。
A.经营烟草制品批发业务的企业,必须经国务院烟草专卖行政主管部门或者省级烟草专卖行政主管部门批准 B.从事烟草专卖批发业务,只需取得烟草专卖批发企业许可证即可,不必须由工商行政管理部门核准登记 C.经营烟草制品零售业务的企业或者个人,由县级人民政府工商行政管理部门审查批准发给烟草专卖零售许可证 D.已经设立县级烟草专卖行政主管部门的地方,可由所在县级以上烟草专卖行政主管部门审查批准发给烟草专卖零售许可证 [单选题]Bill and his family have been living in the same old building for eight years.The landlord(房东)also lives there,and usually all the tenants(房客)get alongfairly well with one another.Recently,however,there has been a change in their relations.
A nice,quiet old couple used to live there,too.The old lady would sometimes bringsome small cakes she made to Bill′s mother,who in return would give her somemeat or help her with shopping.Unfortunately,the old lady died last month.Asher husband couldn′t live alone,his grandson moved in.
The grandson,a youth of about twenty,has become a problem to Bill′s family because he is so noisy.Bill′s family members were used to peace and quiet,but the youth likes to listen to his radio late at night.Sometimes his friends came for a visit,and they also made a lot of noise.Everyone in Bill′s family has been bothered by the new comer and getting angry.
Bill′smother once politely asked the old man if he was able to sleep well at night,but it seemed that he didn′t understand what she meant and so never spoke tohis grandson about it.If he did,the grandson apparently didn′t listen,sincethings have not changed any.Everyone in Bill′s family agrees that somethinghas to be done,but no one wants to hurt the old man′s feelings or cause himany problems.
What do you think should be done?
Bill′s family got angry with their neighbor because
A.the old lady died B.a young man moved in C.the grandson made a lot of noise D.the young man could not live alone [单项选择]35.为某个应用而用不同高级语言编写的程序模块经分别编译产生 (11) ,再经过 (12) 处理后形成可执行程序。
(42) A. 汇编程序 B. 子程序 C. 动态程序 D. 目标程序 [单项选择]直接发自于主动脉弓的血管是()
A. 右锁骨下动脉 B. 右颈总动脉 C. 头臂静脉 D. 降主动脉 E. 头臂干 [简答题]生产中应注重检查哪些?
[多选题]第 450 题, 本小题 1 分
水平角测量过程中,受(____)等因素导致测角错误。 A. 仪器对中不准确 B. 望远镜瞄准目标不准确 C. 读错度盘读数记错 D. 扳错复测扳钮 [单项选择]总账管理子系统中,关于反结账功能,以下()说法是不正确的。
A. 非管理员权限的用户不能反结账。 B. 反结账期间的下一期间存在已审核的凭证,不能反结账。 C. 反结账期间的下一期间存在已记账的凭证,不能反结账。 D. 反结账上一年度的最后一个期间,应根据“不允许进行跨年度反结账”参数的设置判断是否允许反结账。 [多选题]双重防伪检测技术主要检测什么特征()
A. 荧光 B. 磁性油墨 C. 磁性安全线 D. 光谱检测 我来回答: 提交