Text 4 Thomas Huxley (’’Darwin’s bulldog") is said to have come up with the most famous defense of the atheist belief that life was created by chance. In a debate at Oxford, he is reported to have stated that if enough monkeys randomly pressed typewriter keys for a long enough time, sooner or later Psalm 23 would emerge. Not all atheists use this argument, but it accurately represents the atheist belief that with enough time and enough solar systems, you’ll get you, Bach’s cello suites, and me. This belief has always struck me as implausible, and although I fully acknowledge the great challenge to theism--the rampant and seemingly random unfairness built into human life, no intellectually honest atheist should deny the great challenge to atheism--the existence of design and intelligence. Scientists have taken up Huxley’s proposition and found from experiments with monkeys near a typewriter that very few even ended up hitting any key
A. the Big Bang hypothesis is made up.
B. science and maths deny a Creator.
C. creationism is scientific and rational.
D. creationism should be abolished.
Shakespeare{{/B}} When talking about the world’s greatest poet and greatest dramatist, only one name can possible suggest itself;that of William Shakespeare. Nearly every Englishman has some knowledge, however slight, of the work of this greatest writer. We use words, phrases and quotations form Shakespeare’s writings that have become part of the common property of English-peaking people. Most of the time we are probably unaware of the source of the words we use. For example, and old lady, after seeing a performance of Hamlet complained, "It was full of well-known proverbs and quotations!" Shakespeare made full use of the great resources of the English language. Most of us use about five thousand words in our norma A. Indifferent. B. Critical. C. Suspicious. D. Appreciative. [单选题] 《刑法》将共同犯罪人分为( )。
A.主犯、胁从犯、预备犯、教唆犯 B.首犯、胁从犯、未遂犯、教唆犯 C.主犯、实行犯、帮助犯、从犯 D.主犯、从犯、胁从犯、教唆犯 [单项选择]
男,50岁,2个月来间歇性无痛性全程血尿,近3天来加重伴有血块,B型超声双肾正常,膀雠内硐2×1×1cm3肿物。 治疗措施的选择主要是根据()A. 肿瘤大小 B. 肿瘤数量 C. 肿瘤类型 D. 肿瘤浸润程度 E. 肿瘤分化程度 [判断题]到1940年,八路军的人数已经扩大了10倍,达到40多万人。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]
女性,21岁。因甲状腺肿大就诊,检查甲状腺Ⅲ度肿大,触之坚硬并有触痛,无震颤,131I吸收率下降,最可能的诊断是() A. 甲状腺功能亢进症 B. 慢性甲状腺炎 C. 甲状腺癌 D. 甲状腺囊肿 E. 亚急性甲状腺炎 [判断题]制造自动化是制造技术先进性的主要标志之一。()
A. 9.8% B. 11.4% C. 19.7% D. 19.3% E. 33.8%~45.7% [单项选择]水质周报周均值的计算至少需要()个有效日均值。
A. 2 B. 3 C. 4 D. 5 [单项选择]毕生发展观的代表人物是()。
A. 皮亚杰 B. 鲍尔贝 C. 巴尔特斯 D. 布朗芬布伦纳 [判断题]CRH2A(380A)型动车组三级修裙底板、盖板、防护板及边梁拆卸完毕后,要按定置管理要求,做到工完、料净、场地清。
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]成年型重症肌无力分为()
A. 眼肌型 B. 轻、中度全身型 C. 急性重症型 D. 迟发重症型 E. 肌萎缩型 [单项选择]在神经细胞动作电位的去极相,通透性最大的离子是
A. K+ B. Na+ C. Ga2+ D. Cl- E. Mg2+ [单选题]三硝基苯酚与碳酸钠的反应属于()。
A.A.取代反应 B.B.置换反应 C.C.复分解反应 D.D.中和反应 [单选题]动车施工距发车点前( )h 时,维保车辆部门应提供车况良好的计划用车,由 DCC 根据出车计划将施工车辆调至相应的发车股道。
A.0.5 B.1 C.1.5 D.2 [单项选择]下面不是Behcet病的临床表现的是()。
A. 头痛、耳鸣 B. 复发性口腔溃疡 C. 生殖器溃疡 D. 关节炎 E. 多形性皮肤损害 [判断题]矿井煤自燃是矿井“五大灾害之一”,一般都是以浮煤自燃为主。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [不定项选择题]传导快痛的外周神经纤维主要是( )。
A.Aα纤维 B.Aγ类纤维 C.Aδ纤维 D.C纤维 [单项选择]含油实验之一是用滴管滴一滴水在含油岩心平整的新鲜面上,观察水滴的形状和渗入速度,以其在1分钟之内的变化为准分为4级:渗、缓渗、半球状、珠状。其中,水滴不渗而呈圆珠状、浸润角>90°的属于_______层。()
A. 气 B. 水 C. 油 D. 油气混合物 [单选题]将乐擂茶的茶叶其实不全是茶叶,除采用老茶树叶外,更多的是采摘许多野生植物的嫩叶,经洗净、( )、发酵、晒干等工序而大量制备。
A.蒸煮 B.揉捻 C.焖煮 D.闷黄 [判断题]表面燃烧是指某些固体可燃物在空气不流通,加热温度较低或可燃物含水分较多等条件下发生的只冒烟、无火焰的燃烧现象。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]未按规程开动或()机器,造成设备意外转动、通电或停电等,是一种不安全行为。
A. 触电 B. 断路 C. 停止 D. 短路 [单选题]. (单选题)心肺复苏术被称为( )。(1.0分)
A.CPR B. RP C. PR 我来回答: 提交