Cheating in sport is as old as sport
itself. The athletes of ancient Greece used potions to fortify themselves before
a contest, and their modern counterparts have everything from anabolic steroids
and growth hormones to doses of extra red blood cells with which to invigorate
their bodies. These days, however, such stimulants are frowned on, and those
athletes must therefore run the gauntlet of organizations such as the World
Anti-Doping Agency (WADA), which would rather that athletes competed without
resorting to them. The agencies have had remarkable success. Testing for anabolic steroids (i A. Because it is required by the Beijing Olympic Games Committee. B. Because it may defend them against unfavorable testosterone test results. C. Because it is one of the ways to show "spirit of Olympianism". D. Because it will help them to perform better in the Olympic Games. [单选题]____也有室内和室外两部分组成。。 ( )
A.FDZ型点灯装置 B.变压器 C.发光盘 D.TDDS-B型故障报警系统 [单选题]采用火煅醋淬法炮制的药物是
A.炉甘石 B.磁石 C.石决明 D.雄黄 E.白矾 [单选题]( ) 正循环压井循环时,随着压井钻井液的逐渐泵入钻柱,钻柱内静液压力( )。
A.逐渐减小 B.逐渐增大 C.不变 D.迅速增大 [单项选择]原发性肝癌普查最常先用
A. CT B. AFP C. MRI D. AKP E. B超 [单选题]商业银行对非同业单一客户的风险暴露不得超过一级资本净额的( )。
A.10% B.15% C.20% D.25% [单选题]发生积冰的温度范围为( )。
A.0至-25℃ B.0至-10℃ C.0至-15℃ D.0至-20℃ [判断题]施工图识读方法包括总揽全局、循序渐进、相互对照、重点细读四个部分。
A. 头后仰使下颌面与地面呈90°角 B. 头后仰使下颌面与地面呈60°角 C. 头后仰使下颌面与地面呈45°角 D. 头后仰使下颌面与地面呈30°角 E. 头后仰使下颌面与地面平行 [单选题]下列信贷档案管理,说法错误的是( )。
A.信贷档案按重要程度及涵盖内容不同可分为对公档案和对私档案 B.银行开出的本外币存单、银行本票、银行承兑汇票属于一级信贷档案 C.贷前审批及贷后管理的有关文件属于二级信贷档案 D.信贷档案管理对象是指正在执行中的、尚未结清信贷(贷款)的档案材料 [判断题]消防救援人员在国家综合性消防救援队伍工作期间可以纹身。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]()都是柱面。
A. Z=(X2+Y2)/-30 B. X2/100+Y2/50+Z2/40=1 C. Z=X2/30 D. Z=X2/100-Y2/70 E. X2+Z2=100 [单选题]在DL/T 637-2019中验证正极板的板栅腐蚀、正极板的活性物质软化脱落、失水和热失控的试验项目是什么?
A.60℃浮充耐久性试验$ B.$过放电敏感性试验$ C.$耐大电流能力试验$ D.$荷电保持性能试验 我来回答: 提交