Although it is now possible to bring
most high blood pressure under control, the causes of essential hypertension
remain elusive. Understanding how hypertension begins is at least partly a
problem of understanding when in life it begins, and this may be very
early-perhaps within the first few months of life. Since the beginning of the
century, physicians have been aware that hypertension may run in families, but
before the 1970s, studies of the familial aggregation of blood pressure treated
only populations 15 years of age or older. Few studies were attempted in younger
persons because of a prevailing notion that blood pressures in this age group
were difficult to measure and unreliable and because essential hypertension was
widely regarded as a disease of adults. In 1971, a study of 700 children A. questioning the assumption behind certain experiments involving children under the age of 15 B. describing the new scientific findings about high blood pressure and suggesting some implications C. describing two different methods for studying the causes of high blood pressure D. revealing a discrepancy between the findings of epidemiological studies and laboratory studies on essential hypertension [单项选择]支付宝代收业务,前台在邮政汇兑系统操作的交易代码是().
A. 206004 B. 206010 C. 106004 D. 101001 [单选题]“ ”协议基于SPF算法,以寻找到目标的最佳路径。
A.RIP B.UDP C.IS-IS D.BGP [多选题] "根据新奥能源工程数字化影像采集标准要求:管道强度试验上传的照片场景说法正确的是( )。
A.人工查漏 B.结束保压时压力表读数 C.应能看清压力表量程、精度等级 D.应能看清压力表校验有效期 E.开始保压时压力表读数" [多选题]搜救犬搜索的方法有( )。
A. 自由式搜索 B. 验证性搜索 C. 配合救援搜索 D. 定位性搜索 [多选题]供电企业应根据国家相关标准、电力行业标准、国家电网公司制度,针对重要客户供电的输变电设备制订专门的(____)。
A.运行规范 B.检修规范 C.反事故措施 D.轮换制度 [单项选择]股票基金持股集中度是指( )。
A. 前十大重仓股的投资总市值占基金投资股票总市值的比重 B. 前十大重仓股的投资总市值占基金投资总市值的比重 C. 前五大行业投资市值占基金投资股票总市值的比重 D. 前五大行业投资市值占基金投资总市值的比重 [判断题]地震灾害救援,动用重型工程机械作业时,应充分评估建筑结构可能的倒塌方向。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]期货价格一般由商品生产成本、期货交易成本、期货商品流通费用三部分构成。( )
[单选题]备调场所设施及技术支持系统配备应满足( )和日前调度业务开展需求,并与主调同步运行。
A.A.调度实时运行值班运行 B.B.调度实时值班运行 C.C.实时运行值班 D.D.调度实时运行 [单选题]预制外墙板的接缝要求不包括( )。
A.保温 B.防火 C.隔音 D.通风 [判断题]在带电维修线路时,应站在绝缘垫上。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]有下列情况之一的,原则上不得进行岗位调动( )
A. 调出员工所在岗位缺员的 B.调出员工所在岗位定员不足的 C.调入岗位满员的 D.刚调动的员工 [单项选择]有形净值债务比率是指企业的负债总额与()。
A. 资产总额的比值 B. 所有者权益总额的比值 C. 有形净值总额的比值 D. 有形资产总额的比值 我来回答: 提交