For more than 40 years, a controlling insight in my educational philosophy has been the recognition that no one has ever been—no one can be—educated in school or college.
46) That would be the case if our schools and colleges were at their very best, which they certainly are not, and even if the students were among the best and the brightest as well as conscientious in the application of their powers.
The reason is simply that youth itself—immaturity—is an unconquerable obstacle to becoming educated. Schooling is for the young. Education comes later, usually much later. 47) The very best thing for our schools to do is to prepare the young for continued learning in later life by giving them the skills of learning and the love of it. Our schools and colleges are not doing that now, but that is what they should be doing.
48) To speak of an educated young person or of a wise young person, rich in the understanding of ba
男性,25岁,主因反复发作右侧自发性气胸2年来院就诊。行胸片及胸部CT检查示右侧多发肺大泡。 |
The Commercial Revolution was not
confined, of course, to the growth of trade and banking. Included in it also
were fundamental changes in methods of production. The system of manufacture
developed by the craft guilds in the later Middle Ages was rapidly becoming
defunct. The guilds themselves, dominated by the master craftsmen, had grown
selfish and exclusive. Membership in them was commonly restricted to a few
privileged families. Besides, they were so completely choked by tradition that
they were unable to make adjustments to changing conditions. Moreover, new
industries had sprang up entirely outside the guild system. Characteristic
examples were mining and smelting and the woolen industry. The rapid development
of these enterprises was stimulated by technical advances, such as the invention
of the spinning wheel and the discovery of a new method of maki A. Technical advances stimulated the development of enterprises. B. In the woolen industry, weavers would pass on their products to spinners. C. The domestic system is also known as the putting out system. D. The word "clothier" is synonymous to "entrepreneur" in this context. [简答题]停备用锅炉防腐的基本原则是什么?
A. 医院的出现 B. 科学技术的进步 C. 医学模式的变化 D. 病人权利意识的增强 [判断题]居民健康档案一次就可以填完
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]当空气中可燃性气体浓度达到或超过报警设定值时,可燃气体检测仪能自动发出声光报警信号,提醒有关人员及时采取预防措施,避免事故的发生,给救援人员提供安全的救援环境。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题] 下列不属于羁押凭证的是:()
A.《拘留证》 B.《逮捕证》 C.《通缉令》 D.《协查通报》 [单项选择]引药下行的是()
A. 醋制 B. 盐制 C. 油制 D. 酒制 E. 姜制 [多项选择]按照五级分类方式,不良个人住房贷款包括( )。
A. 正常类贷款 B. 关注类贷款 C. 次级类贷款 D. 可疑类贷款 E. 损失类贷款 我来回答: 提交