W: It’s well-known science fiction plot to freeze a body and bring it back to life years later.
However, this may no longer be so far from the truth. Joining us from our Cardiff studio is Professor Andrew Morgan, who’s been doing some research into this subject. Professor Morgan.
M: Yes, well, I’ve been looking into the ability of certain animals to freeze themselves for a certain amount of time, and then to come back to life when the circumstances around them change. And, what I’ve been working on over the past two years is the particular process that enables them to do this.
W: What have you actually discovered
M: I think it’s a particular chemical in the animals’ bodies which begins to work under certain circumstances. And I’m now experimenting with this chemical to see if I can get other animals that wouldn’t normally be able to freeze themselves to be able to do this.
W: Have you had any
A. About ten years.
B. About two years.
C. About twenty years.
D. About thirteen years.
History tells us that the origin of
Santa Claus begins in the 4th century with Saint Nicholas, Bishop of Myra (an
area in present day Turkey). One of the legends tells about that he
{{U}} (62) {{/U}}a fortune when his parents died while he was still in
his teens. By {{U}} (63) {{/U}} St. Nicholas was an honest and
{{U}} (64) {{/U}} man. He cared deeply for the poor, and particularly
{{U}} (65) {{/U}} to children. He brought various gifts, money and
other useful items to the houses of the poor. He did this at night, and in
{{U}} (66) {{/U}}, so that no one knew, {{U}} (67) {{/U}}he wanted
no glory, he just wanted to help people. He became widely known for his
generosity. There is one famous {{U}} (68) {{/U}} about Saint Nicholas. The story tells {{U}} (69) {{/U}} Nicholas hearing one day of three beautiful sisters who lived in a m A. drama B. novel C. legend D. opera [单项选择]吗啡激动延脑孤束核的阿片受体,引起( )
A. 欣快作用 B. 缩瞳作用 C. 镇痛作用 D. 镇咳作用 E. 胃肠活动变化 [单选题]电气设备外壳应有什么电气防护措施。
A.不需要保护措施 B.保护性接零或接地 C.防锈漆 D.包胶皮 [单选题] 雷雨时,()。
A.不宜进行电气操作,不应进行就地电气操作 B.一般不进行倒闸操作,确实需要倒闸操作需经变电站站长同意,并应穿绝缘靴和戴绝缘手套 C.禁止进行倒闸操作 [判断题]站内采用调车方式救援时,列车调度员应发布救援命令。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]䂘.(298460)为R-350真空放电管配对,两管电压差应小于( )。(1.0分)
A.A、10V B.B、20V C.C、30V D.D、40V [判断题]对同一电压等级、同类型且依次进行的数条配电线路上的带电作业,可使用一张配电带电作业工作票。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]对于存储的冠字号码能与取款人取款业务信息关联的,冠字号码查询受理单位在履行查询程序后,应在《人民币冠字号码查询结果通知书》中( )。
A.列出所有冠字号码 B.列出冠字号码图片 C.注明查询过程 D.对具体查询方式进行解释 [单选题]铁路运输收入管理规程规定:付款单位发生欠款时,按欠交款单位分别填开( )。
A.“票价订正通知书” B.“补款通知书” C.“退款通知书” D.“运输收入欠补款报告” [单选题]电气图中的图线型式常用()。
A. 细实线 B. 虚线 C. 波浪线 D. 折线 [单选题]行政许可法规定可以设定行政许可的事项,尚未制定法律、行政法规的,( )可以设定行政许可。
A.地方性法规 B.地方政府规章 C.部门规章 D.国务院文件 [单项选择]新生儿出生时呼吸正常,心率110次/分,身体红润,但手足有青紫,应采取何种措施()
A. 复苏器加压给氧 B. 复苏器加压给氧+胸外心脏按压 C. 给氧+1:10000肾上腺素治疗 D. 暂不处理,予观察 E. 复苏器加压给氧+纠酸、扩容 [多项选择]企业对外提供的财务会计报告,应当由( )签名并盖章。
A. 单位负责人 B. 会计机构负责人 C. 总会计师 D. 出纳人员 [判断题]建筑企业主要负责人和安全生产管理人员必须具备与本单位所从事的生产经营活动相应的安全生产知识和管理能力。()
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]一般事故下列说法正确的有:
A.造成2人以下死亡 B.重伤3人以上10人以下 C.直接经济损失50万元以上1000万元以下 D.连续中断行车2小时以上6小时以下的 [单项选择]下颌义齿基托后缘应伸展至()
A. 磨牙后垫前缘 B. 磨牙后垫前1/3 C. 磨牙后垫前1/2或后缘 D. 磨牙后垫可不考虑 E. 均可 [多选题] 安全警示一般有几种组成( )。
A.安全色 B.几何图形 C.图形符号 [单选题]领导效能的测评主要测评领导者的工作实效( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]铁路旅客运输合同是明确承运人与( )之间权利义务关系的协议。
A.托运人 B.收货人 C.旅客 D.押运人 [单选题]刀开关与接触器串联安装时,停电操作的顺序是( )。
A.同时断开接触器和拉开刀开关 B.先拉开接触器,后拉开刀开关 C.先拉开刀开关。后拉开接触器 D.无先后顺序要求 [单选题]无砟轨道,采用( )等整体结构为轨下基础的轨道结构。
A.碎石 B.混凝土 C.散粒体 D.道砟 [多选题]对钢丝绳绳头固定在滚筒上的规定是( )。
A.必须有特备的卡绳装置 B.滚筒上经常保留三圈以上的钢丝绳 C.无卡绳装置时可将绳系在滚筒轴上 D.钢丝绳弯曲不得成锐角 [单项选择]世界上第一家航空公司是德国飞艇运输公司.它成立于()
A. 1914年 B. 1909年 C. 1911年 D. 1903年 我来回答: 提交