A complex operation called spinal
fusion has emerged as the treatment of choice for many kinds of back pain. But a
number of researchers say there is little scientific evidence to show that for
most patients, spinal fusion works any better than a simpler operation, the
lamineetomy (椎板切除术). Some people would be better off with no surgery at all.
Even doctors who favor fusions say that more research is needed on their
benefits. In the absence of better data, critics point to a different reason for the fusion operation’s fast rise: money. Medicare can pay a surgeon as much as four times more for a spinal fusion as for a laminectomy. Hospitals also collect two to four times as much. "We all cave in to market and economic forces," said Dr. Edward C. Benzel. Though doctors, as a rule, should favor the least complicated treatment—wi A. have obtained enormous profits from the operation B. have invested heavily on the research of new products C. have helped doctors and hospitals gain more experience D. have successfully proved the effectiveness of their products [判断题]NJ2型机车自动排水阀的作用是保护柴油机冷却系统,防止冷却水冻结。如果温度降到7.8℃(46℉),柴油机冷却水将自动排至回收水箱。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]公安机关及其人民警察在行使行政职权时有下列侵犯财产权情形之一的,受害人有取得赔偿的权利,具体是指( )
A.违法实施罚款、吊销许可证和执照、责令停产停业、没收财物等行政处罚的 B.违法对财产采取查封、扣押、冻结等行政强制措施的 C.违反国家规定征收财物、摊派费用的 D.造成损害的其他违法行为 [单项选择]KM型压滤机拉开与合拢是由()通过驱动链条传动。
A. 电机 B. 减速器 C. 边轴节 D. 液压马达 [多项选择]胸椎间盘突出症可能出现的症状有()
A. 双下肢肌张力增高,双下肢病理征阴性 B. 下肢肌力减弱,腱反射减弱 C. 单纯足下垂 D. 排尿、排粪功能障碍 E. 双下肢肌力减弱,双下肢病理征阴性 [判断题]东欧国家的对外关系的性质有着浓厚俄罗斯文化和价值观。
A.急性进行性破坏 B.急性间歇性破坏 C.慢性进行性破坏 D.慢性间歇性破坏 E.不可复性破坏 [多选题]在可能发生急性职业损伤的有毒、有害工作场所,用人单位应当()和必要的泄险区。
A.设置报警装置 B.配置现场急救用品 C.冲洗设备 D.健康检查 E.应急撤离通道 [多选题]TCMS 通过通讯向 VVVF、BCU 通讯牵引指令,以下情况将封锁牵引命令输出:( )
A.方向错误指令有效 B.制动不缓解有效 C.门全关信号无效 D.列车超速 我来回答: 提交