Clothes, decorations, physique, hair and facial (1) give a great deal of information about us. For instance, we wear clothes to keep us warm, (2) unlike animals we do not have a protective (3) of hair. But for the purpose of communication, we dress (4) clothes of different colours, style and material; we wear jewellery and other valuables; we use cosmetics and perfume; we (5) beards and sideburns; and we smoke pipes and carry walking sticks.
Strict rules govern the clothes we wear. We do not, wear football boots with a dinner-jacket, (6) a boiler suit to work in an insurance office. A clerk on Wall Street will wear more formal dress than someone in a (7) job in a country town. Fashionable and smart (8) are associated with good qualities, and well-dressed people have been (9) to get more help and cooperation from (10) strangers. For example, a woman is often given more (11) o
A. covering
B. look
C. color
D. cover
To get from Kathmandu to the tiny
village in Nepal, Dave Irvine-Halliday spent more than two days. When he
arrived, he found villagers working and reading around battery-powered lamps
equipped with light-emitting diodes, or LEDs--the same lamps he had left there
in 2000. Irvine-Halliday, an American photonics engineer, was not surprised. He chose to use LED bulbs because they are rugged, portable, long-lived, and, extremely efficient. Each of his lamps produces a useful amount of illumination from just one watt of power. Villagers use them about four hours each night, then top off the battery by pedaling a generator for half an hour. The cool, steady beam is a huge improvement over lamps still common in developing countries. In fact, LEDs have big advantages over familiar incandescent (白炽的) lights as well--so much so that Irvine-H A. LED bulbs are still expensive at present B. the task of making LED the main source of artificial light is too difficult C. LED traffic lights are used everywhere in the world D. in order to fulfill the task of making LED the main light source, lightbulb makers have to work together with semiconductor manufacturers [单选题]专线电路以进入通信设备(机房)的第( )连接处为分界点,连接处以内设备由通信部门负责,连接处以外通过传输线路到达宿(源)端用户侧设备由使用部门负责。
A.一 B.二 C.三 D.四 [判断题]人力搬运辙岔心时,应统一指挥,动作一致,尽量在平整地方行走。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]目赤肿痛兼有口苦、烦热、便秘、脉弦滑者,宜选用()。
A. 合谷、太冲、睛明、太阳、少商、侠溪 B. 合谷、太冲、睛明、太阳、风池、上星 C. 合谷、太冲、睛明、太阳、风池 D. 合谷、太冲、睛明、太阳、少商、上星 E. 合谷、太冲、睛明、太阳、风池、侠溪 [多选题] "直接送达法律文书的方式包括( )。
A.直接交给受送达人 B.受送达人不在的,交付其成年家属 C.受送达人不在的,交付给其指定的代收人 D.受送达人不在,交付其居住地的居委会代收 E.以上都不正确 [判断题] 对党忠诚是公安工作的政治灵魂。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题] 下列选项中属于公安机关内设执法勤务机构警官职务范围的是( )
A. 大队长 B. 支队长 C. 中队长 D. 总队长 [判断题]电能表现场检验应检查计量倍率及计量接线是否正确;测量工作电压、电流应为正向序并基本平衡,对电压、电流相位,绘制“六角相量图”分析接线正确性。
A.编组站 B.区段站 C.二等以上车站 D.客运站 [单项选择]()是建设工程项目生产过程的总集成者——人力资源、物质资源和知识的集成,也是建设工程项目生产过程的总组织者。
A. 业主方 B. 设计方 C. 施工方 D. 监理方 [判断题]所有灭火器必须锁在固定物体上。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]制定和实施住房建设规划与住房建设年度计划,要把( )供应作为主要内容,突出强调以廉租住房制度为重点、多渠道解决城市低收入家庭住房困难。
A.集资房 B.经济适用房 C.商品房 D.普通住房 [简答题]在随机交配的群体中,一个中性突变的隐性性状在男性中占40%,在女性中占16%,问基因的频率是多少有多少女性是杂合的有多少男性是杂合的
A.大小便失禁,皮肤潮湿多汗 B.随意运动与躯体感觉完全丧失 C.外周血管扩张,血压下降 D.反射活动暂时丧失 E.肌紧张减弱或消失 [单项选择]乘务员章某经常在公交车上扒窃乘客的钱财。某日,章某趁郭某昏睡又窃得他的—个手提包。回到家中章某打开手提包却发现里面并无钱财,却有一把子枪。章某便将手枪掩埋在自家的院落里以备不时之需。则章某的行为构成: ( )
A. 盗窃罪和非法持有枪支罪数罪 B. 盗窃枪支罪一罪 C. 盗窃罪和私藏枪支罪数罪 D. 盗窃罪一罪 [判断题]破坏永久性测量标志罪也是属于《刑法》妨害国(边)境管理罪规定的罪名之一。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]铁路局应根据实际情况铺画动车组试运行交路, 根据试验项目在条件允许时可利用“ ”等运行线进行试运行。
A.综合检测 B.周末 C.高峰 D.联调联试 我来回答: 提交