For Emily Dickinson there were three
worlds, and she lived in all of them, making them the substance of everything
that she thought and wrote. There was the world of nature, the things and the
creatures that she saw, heard, felt about her, there was the "estate" that was
the world of friendship. And there was the world of the unseen and unheard. From
her youth she was looked upon as different. She was direct, impulsive, original,
and the droll wit who said unconventional things which others thought but dared
not speak, and said them incomparably well. The characteristics which made her
inscrutable to those who knew her continue to bewilder and surprise, for she
lived by paradoxes. Certainly the greatest paradox was the fact that the three most pervasive friendships were the most elusive. She saw the Reverend Charles Wadsworth of P A. sociable B. unusual C. sad D. insensitive [单项选择]长期应用引起角膜褐色微粒沉着的抗心律失常药是
A. 利多卡因 B. 胺碘酮 C. 奎尼丁 D. 氟卡尼 E. 维拉帕米 [简答题]北京社保卡只能在定点医院使用吗?在其它定点医疗机构可以看病吗?
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]
电报开始标识符涉及到5号码即CCITT规定的国际电报5号字母表,也就是通常说的第()码。 A. ASCII B. HDB3 C.比特 D.波特 [单选题]( )原则是指按照训练大纲规定的内容进行全面、系统、严格、正规的训练,加强训练管理,保持良好的训练秩序。
A.分类施训 B.从难从严 C.正规系统 D.训养一致 [单选题]检查有无杂草时,先全面观察,对发现的()区域再细致检查记录。
A.防护草皮 B.杂草 C.草皮 D.无草 [单选题](单选题)装设接地线、个人保安线时,应( ),拆除接地线的顺序与此相反。
A.先装导体(线)端,后装接地端 B.先装接地端,后装导体(线)端 C.同时装接地端及导体(线)端 D.以上三者均可 [单选题]钢轨端部轨头顶面擦伤的伤损代码为( )。
A.14130 B.14121 C.18234 D.14237 [单项选择]T1损伤平面的关键肌为()
A. 小指展肌 B. 肱三头肌 C. 中指屈指肌 D. 桡侧腕长伸、短伸肌 E. 肱二头肌、旋前圆肌 [单项选择]动力黏性系数M的单位是Pa·s,用M、T、L表示M的量纲是( )。
A. M2L-1T-1 B. M1L1T-1 C. M1L-1T-1 D. M1L-1T1 [简答题]各级队伍应当定期开展安全教育,至少多久开展1次?(简单)
[多选题]《监察法》规定,办理监察事项的监察人员有下列哪些情形之一的,应当自行回避,监察对象、检举人及其他有关人员也有权要求其回避( )
A.是监察对象或者检举人的近亲属的; B.担任过本案的证人的; C.本人或者其近亲属与办理的监察事项有利害关系的; D.有可能影响监察事项公正处理的其他情形的 我来回答: 提交