We all know there are times that kids
seem to complain {{U}} (51) {{/U}} a stomach ache to get out of chores or
going to school. Don’t be so sure that the pain they {{U}} (52) {{/U}} is
all in their minds. We’re learning more now about a condition {{U}} (53)
{{/U}} "functional abdominal pain" that is experienced by millions of kids
every day. Like many teenagers, Kyle Brust makes it a point to do his homework as {{U}} (54) {{/U}} as he gets home. Unlike most, Kyle often did his with a terrible stomach ache. In fact, the {{U}} (55) {{/U}} often started while he was at school, but getting help there was getting harder. "Some of my teachers wouldn’t let me go, because I’d asked so many times before and they thought I was trying to get out of {{U}} (56) {{/U}}," says Kyle. Kyle’s morn Marilyn says she couldn’t blame A. them B. him C. us D. you [单选题]在内容方面,职业道德总是要鲜明地表达( )。
A.职业义务、职业责任、职业行为、道德准则 B.职业义务、职业意识、职业行为、职业责任 C.道德行为、职业习惯、职业行为、道德准则 D.职业义务、职业责任、职业习惯、道德准则 [单选题]下列非寿险准备金中,不属于未决赔款准备金的是( )。
A.己发生已报案未决赔款准备金 B.已发生未报案未决赔款准备金 C.任意准备金 D.直接理赔费用准备金 [判断题]在风电场设备上的工作,应填用工作票或事故紧急抢修单,其方式有5种
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]关于胸外按压的深度,5~13岁的年幼伤员应该为( )cm。
A.1 B.2 C.3 D.4 [单项选择]最常用的固定液是()
A. 丙酮 B. 乙醇 C. 苦味酸 D. 甲醛 E. Bouin液 [判断题]探测器底座的外接导线,应留有不小于15CM的余量,入端处应有明显标志。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]案情介绍:某区公安局判处所突击检查孔某经营的娱乐城,孔某向正在赌博的人员通风报信,派出所突击检查一无所获。派出所工作人员将孔某带回调查,孔某因为受到逼供而说出实情。派出所决定对孔某拘留10日。如果孔某对拘留的处罚决定不服提出行政诉讼,但是没有提供合适的担保人或者保证金,公安机关是否应当暂缓扣留决定的执行?
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