Letter-writing goes back thousands of
years but heated up during the Middle Ages and Renaissance. Historically(perhaps
now)letters were indicators of status and breeding. Like conversation, they were
used to manipulate, embellish, entertain, threaten, seduce and of course do
business. On the way home from discovering America, Christopher Columbus got
caught in a storm and his mind turned—as a good bourgeois parent—to his two
sons. Who would pay their school fees if he came to a watery end He picked up a
quill and documented his accomplishments on the voyage for his Spanish patrons,
King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella, rolled up the letter in a wooden Madeira cask
and threw it into the sea. This was not so much for posterity but rather what
University of York professor William H. Sherman has called "a father’s desperate
petition for A. is based on the stories told in Travels Through France & Italy. B. is a sequel of Travels Through France & Italy. C. is a travelogue. D. has a character modeled on Tobias Smollett. [单项选择]关于斜面培养基,叙述错误的是()
A. 制备时,先分装后灭菌 B. 灭菌后趁热斜置,使之成斜面 C. 接种细菌后,试管必须倾斜置于培养箱内培养 D. 常用于单个细菌的纯培养 E. 不能用于观察细菌的动力 [单选题]遇有暴风、雨、雪、浓雾等信号机显示不足( )时为天气恶劣。
A.200m B.300m C.400m D.500m [单项选择]运用( )取得的资料,可以作为定案的证据。
A. 顺查法 B. 详查法 C. 核对法 D. 查询法 [单项选择]客运经营者、客运站经营者非法转让、出租道路运输经营许可证件的,由县级以上道路运输管理机构责令停止违法行为,收缴有关证件,处()的罚款。
A. 1000元以上3000元以下 B. 2000元以上1万元以下 C. 2万元以上5万元以下 D. 3万元以上10万元以下 [判断题]值班站长与行车值班员共同填写“失物标签”,贴在失物上,失物存放于“乘客遗失物品专用箱/柜”中。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]以下哪个不是通过大额支付系统处理业务()。
A.贷记支付业务 B.即时转账业务 C.中国人民银行营业部门发起涉及清算账户的业务 D.普通贷记业务 [单项选择]女,61岁。咳嗽,气促,不能平卧4天。身体检查:端坐位,血压156/98mmHg,心率110次/分。右下肺呼吸音消失,左下肺有湿性啰音。胸部透k:右胸第3肋以下呈外高内低致密阴影,左肋隔角变钝。胸水常规:淡黄色,相对密度1.016,蛋白质24g/L,乳酸脱氢酶(LDH)1000U/L;红细胞418/μl,白细胞79/μl,未奄到癌细胞和结核菌。下列各项中,哪项应首先考虑()。
A. 结核性胸膜炎 B. 癌性胸腔积液 C. 血性胸腔积液 D. 漏出液 E. 化脓性胸膜炎 [判断题]在电阻并联电路中,各支路分电流与该支路的电阻值成反比
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]双色球当期返奖占总销售额的()
A. 30% B. 50% C. 70% D. 90% 我来回答: 提交