Children in the UK are not reading
enough at home, favouring television and computer games instead, according to
new research. The survey conducted earlier this month by Nestlé Box Tops for Books, which asked parents about their children’s reading habits, found that half of UK children spend less than two hours reading per week. A further one in 10 had not read a book in the past month, and of those who do read regularly, one in four avoid non- fiction titles. More than half of the parents surveyed believed their children should read more non-fiction books. "It is essential that young children read at least one book a week and, in particular, educational books," said family counsellor Jenni Trent Hughes. But others believe such a stern approach to reading may not help children. "We can turn A. Young people, especially boys can’t easily get access to good books of non-fiction. B. A lot of good non-fiction books are coming out into the market. C. Such kind of non-fiction are eroding into the reading habits of young people especially boys. D. Non-fiction books have been isolated from our reading experience. [判断题]在缺氧、有毒环境中侦察允许戴过滤式防毒面具。()
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]海洋中的生物死亡后,含有()、碳酸钙的骨骼或贝壳堆积在海底,可以形成磷质岩、硅质岩和石灰岩等
A. 钙、磷 B. 硅、磷 C. 硫、磷 D. 钾、磷 [单选题]飞机上放电刷的根本作用是:
A.防止飞机被雷击 B.释放飞机积累的静电 C.减少飞机静电对无线电通讯系统的干扰 [单选题]每个生产矿井必须至少有( )个能行人且通达地面的安全出口,各个出口间的距离不得小于 30m。
A.1 B.2 C.3 [单项选择]商品流通市场监管分为主体行为监管和( )。
A. 例外监管 B. 客体行为监管 C. 共同监管 D. 市场运行监管 [多项选择]自然人居民身份认定标准有:()
A. 住所和居所相结合的标准 B. 国籍标准 C. 意向标准 D. 控制选举权标准 [单选题]()断路器(开关)前,宜对现场发出提示信号,提醒现场人员远离操作设备。
A.远方遥控操作 B.远方程序操作 C.就地操作 D.拉开 [判断题]坡口角度越大,角变形越小。( )
[多项选择]营业部应按要求妥善保管客户资料及业务档案,下列属于必须设立专库专人保管,并有调阅、领用登记的业务凭证包括( )。
A. 客户档案资料 B. 空白《证券交易委托代理协议》 C. 空白《客户交易结算资金第三方存管协议》及其他协议书 D. 加盖印章的业务表单 [多选题]高温津贴发放条件是指凡在高温天气下日最高气温达到 以上露天工作以及不能采取有效措施将工作场所温度降低到 33°C 以下的(不含 33°C),且连续工作两小时以上的员工,给予支付高温津贴。( )
A.38°C B.33°C C.35°C D.30°C 我来回答: 提交