M: Good morning! What can I do for you, Madam
W: Good morning ! I’m looking for a coat.
M: What color would you like
W: Could you show me some I’d like a middle sized red coat.
M: Sorry. We haven’t anything in your size.
W: Do you have a smaller size
M: I’m sorry. The small size coats have just been sold out. What about the blue one It looks nice and maybe fits you.
W: Well, may I try it on
M: Yes, please.
W: It seems nice on me. How much is it
M: 168 yuan.
W: OK. Here is 170 yuan. You keep the change please!
M: Thanks.
It is hard to escape the fact that in
developed societies, despite progress, innovation and prosperity, there is
something not quite right. In some cases, it is hard for people to put a finger
on it: a feeling of emptiness and not belonging, a lack of defined relationships
and solid social structures. In other respects, it is readily quantifiable:
rates of drug abuse, violent crime and depression and suicide are rocketing. Why
are we so unhappy It seems that the Enlightenment brought forth unparalleled
liberty in economic, social and political life, but we are now undergoing a
midlife crisis. The politics of happiness is nothing new. Aristotle once said
that happiness is the goal of life. But for me, the person who brings the great
conundrum of personal happiness alive is Robert Kennedy. In a beautifully
crafted speech, he said what "makes life worthwhile A. (A) an American congressman B. (B) a British politician C. (C) an American journalist D. (D) a British environmentalist [单选题]在自动控制方式下,模拟火灾报警,相应区域的()应停止。
A.空调送风 B.排烟风机 C.加压送风机 D.防排烟 [多选题]38. 个人住房非交易转按贷款一般包括( ) 等情形。
A.贷款偿还型非交易转按 B.自筹偿还型非交易转按 C.借款人利用我行贷款提前清偿其在原金融机构的贷款, 再将住房自原金融机构解押并重新抵押给我行 D.我行完成贷款审批后, 借款人自筹资金提前清偿其在原金融机构贷款, 将住房自原金融机构解押并重新抵押给我行后, 我行再将贷款直接发放给借款人 [单项选择]能够使脊髓损伤患者产生下肢功能性活动的电疗法是()
A. 经皮电刺激神经疗法(TENS) B. 神经肌肉电刺激疗法(NES) C. 功能性电刺激(FNS) D. 调制中频电疗法(MMFE. E. 等幅中频电疗法(UMFE. [单选题]安全员必须与内攻人员保持不间断联络,监督做好()准备工作,直至内攻人员全部撤出。
A.安全提示 B.前沿战斗 C.接应 D.后方供水 [简答题]冷冻机油有什么作用?对冷冻机油有哪些性能要求?
[单选题]下钻中发生缩径卡钻时,一般是突然遇阻,且阻力点( )。
A.相对固定 B.不断下移 C.不固定 D.有时突然消失 [多选题]输电线路状态检修D类检修工作是指不需要停电进行的地面或地电位(____)等检修工作。
A.检查$ B.$测试$ C.$维护$ D.$更换 [判断题]信号机无效标为白色的十字交叉板,装在色灯信号机柱上或臂板信号机的臂板上。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]酪蛋白占牛乳蛋白质的( )
A.0.6% B.0.8% C.0.9% D.0.95% [单选题]"三类分类法"是下列哪部著作中提出的
A.《炮炙大法》 B.《本草纲目》 C.《雷公炮炙论》 D.《本草蒙筌》 E.《修事指南》 [单项选择]监理工程师在工程建设设计阶段进度控制的任务是()。
A. 编制项目总进度计划 B. 编制设计总进度计划 C. 审核阶段性设计进度计划 D. 编制详细的出图计划 [单选题]两平行导线通过同方向电流时,导线就相互排斥;如通过电流方向相反,导线就互相吸引。
A.正确 B.错误 C.lue D.lue E.lue F.lue G.lue H.lue [名词解释]延迟裂纹
A. 确定“编导”方针 B. 确保“产品”数量 C. 加强整体协调 D. 发现和培养传播人才 我来回答: 提交