Not many 25-year-olds can reasonably
claim to have changed the world. The IBM personal computer, which was launched
in 1981 and celebrates its 25th birthday in August, is a rare exception. Other
personal computers had been launched before; but it was the IBM PC that ended up
defining the standard around which a vast new industry then coalesced. IBM, the
titan of the computing World at the time, quickly lost control of its own
creation, allowing others to reap the benefits. But leave aside what the PC has
done for the fortunes of particular companies, and instead step back and
consider what the PC has done for mankind. The PC’s most obvious achievement has been to help make computers cheaper, more widely available and more useful than ever before. Before it appeared, different computers from different manufacturers were mostly incompa A. Google is more profitable than CellBazaar. B. they are Search-engine vendors. C. they are rushing to provide services to mobile phones. D. they have reaped the benefits from mobile phone industry. [判断题] 双绞线水晶头有两种接法,一种是直连互联法,一种是交叉互联法。 交叉线的做法是:一头采用568A标准,一头采用568B标准;平行(直通)线的做法是:两头同为568A标准或568B标准。其中568B标准的第三根线芯颜色为白蓝。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]火灾使人致命的最主要原因是( )。
A.被人践踏; B.窒息; C.烧伤。 [多选题]《党章》指出,( )是关系党生死存亡的问题。( )
A.党风问题 B.精神懈怠问题 C.党同人民群众联系问题 D.能力不足问题 [简答题][T]BC017521
某注水井水表发生故障,估水时间不能超过24h。 [多选题]客户管理单位汇总重要用户清册(应包含站所名及电工联系方式),经审定后报地方政府批准发布,原则上()发布一次。涉及重要用户清册内容变更的,客户管理单位应至少()向设备运维管理部门和调控部门书面告知。
A.一年 B.半年 C.一个季度 D.一个月 [单选题]地壳中含量最多的金属元素是()
A.铝 B.铁 C.碳 D.钙 [多项选择]公募发行的优点有()。
A. 安全性 B. 经济性 C. “三公”性 D. 费用低 [简答题]目前我国客车使用的电子防滑器主要有几种?它的主要功能是什么?
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