It often appears that we have more to gain by speaking than by listening. One big advantage of speaking is that it gives you a chance to control others’ thoughts and actions. (36) your goal — to have a boss (37) you, to (38) others to vote for the person of your (39) , or to describe the (40) you want your hair cut — the key (41) success seems to be the (42) to speak well.
(43) obvious advantage of speaking is the chance it provides to (44) the admiration, respect, or liking of others. (45) jokes, and everyone will think you’re really a wise man.
(46) advice, and they’ll be thankful for help. Tell them all you know, and they’ll be (47) by your wisdom. (48) keep quiet and it seems as if you’ll look like a (49) nobody.
Finally, talking gives you the (50) to release energy in a way that listening can’t. When
A. What
B. Thai
C. Which
D. Whatever
In the summer of 999, Leif Erikson
voyaged to Norway and spent the following winter with King Olaf Tryggvason.
Substantially the same account is given by both the Saga of Eric the Red and the
Flat Island Book. The latter says nothing about Leif’s return voyage to
Greenland, but according to the former it was during this return voyage that
Leif discovered America. The Flat Island Book, however, tells of another and
earlier landfall by Biarni, the son of a prominent man named Heriulf, and makes
that the inspiration for the voyage to the new land by Leif. In brief, like
Leif, Biarni and his companion sight three countries in succession before
reaching Greenland, and to come upon each new land takes 1 "doegr" more than the
last until Biarni comes to land directly in front of his father’s house in the
last- mentioned country. This narr A. conclusively proved B. almost conclusively proved C. possibly true D. highly unlikely [单项选择]心包积液时()
A. 心前区隆起 B. 抬举性心尖搏动 C. 负性心尖搏动 D. 心尖搏动减弱 E. 心尖搏动增强 [多选题]土地增值税的税率包括( )。
A.20% B.30% C.40% D.50% E.60% [单选题]电力安全事故分为( )事故、重大事故、较大事故和一般事故。
A.非常重大 B.特别严重 C.特别重大 D.极其重大 [单项选择]美国A公司(卖方)与中国B公司(买方)签订货物买卖合同,双方约定价格条件为 CFR(大连)。货物由C公司承运,在该贸易中,对于货物的保险费用由谁来支付
A. A公司 B. B公司 C. A、B双方共同承担 D. C公司承担 [单项选择]()郭嘉死时几岁?
A. 三十六 B. 三十八 C. 四十二 D. 四十四 [单选题]民航运输成本中,起降费属于( )。
A.旅客层次成本 B.航线层次成本 C.航班层次成本 D.航线网络层次成本 [多选题]以下哪些波特率是RS-232-C标准规定的数据传输速率。
A.300 B.600 C.2400 D.9600 [填空题]
[判断题] 机车乘务制度是机调安排机车周转的制度。()
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]力量练习( )天天进行。
A.宜 B.必须 C.不宜 D.应该 [多选题]党的十八大以来,在经济建设上,我国经济发展()明显增强,国家经济实力、科技实力、综合国力跃上新台阶。我国经济迈上更高质量、更有效率、更加公平、更可持续、更为安全的发展之路。
A.平衡性 B.协调性 C.稳定性 D.科学性 E.可持续性 [简答题]锯割操作时,起锯和锯削操作要领是什么?
[单选题]随着监管部门对偿付能力监管的重视和监管技术的成熟,保险公司( )将逐渐成为 我国保险市场监管的核心。
A.市场行为监管 B.资本运营监管 C.偿付能力监管 D.保险业务监管 [判断题]PPoint可以插入“艺术字”,但对于插入的“艺术字”不能设置动画效果。
A.不能超过必要限度 B.不能超过犯罪人追求的结果 C.不能在防卫强度上超过犯罪人的行为强度 D.不能明显超过必要限度造成重大损害 [单项选择]成牙骨质细胞瘤病变大部分为
A. 成牙骨质细胞 B. 纤维组织 C. 牙骨质样组织 D. 软骨样组织 E. 牙体组织 [单项选择]下列哪项检查对食管异物的确诊最重要?()
A. 误吞异物病史 B. 间接喉镜检查 C. 纤维喉镜检查 D. 食管镜检查 E. X线摄片 [单选题]在距牵引供电设备支柱及牵引供电设备带电部分需设置接地距离范围以内,不能接入综合接地系统的金属结构须装设接地装置,接地电阻一般不大于()。
A.lOΩ B.l5Ω C.5Ω D.2OΩ [判断题]周某是执业医师, 如果变更执业范围, 应当向准予注册的卫生行 政部门提出申请。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]简要病史:男性,15岁,游走性双膝关节疼痛1个月诊断:风湿性关节炎要求:你作为住院医师,按照标准住院病例要求,围绕以上主诉,请叙述应如何询问该患者现病史及相关的内容。
[判断题]中国革命的胜利是独立自主、自力更生方针的胜利,事实证明中国革命不要国际援助也可以胜利。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]It was essential that __________________________ (我们在月底前签订合同).
A. 专业系统目标 B. 成员个人目标 C. 部门和单位目标 D. 企业使命 [单选题]CRH2E动车组高压设备箱检查及清洁,避雷器绝缘子伞裙破损单个面积大于10mm²,总面积大于( )时,须更换。
A.30mm² B.35mm² C.40mm² D.45mm² [判断题]引导手信号的意义是准许列车进入车场或车站。显示方式:昼间——展开的黄色信号旗高举头上左右摇动;夜间——黄色灯光高举头上左右摇动。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交