The level of economic and industrial development enjoyed by a state affects the foreign policy goals it can pursue. (46) As a general proposition, the more developed a state is economically, the more likely it is that it will play an activist role in the world political economy. Rich nations have interests that extend far beyond their borders and typically command the means necessary to pursue and protect them. (47) Not coincidentally, countries that enjoy industrial capabilities and extensive involvement in international trade also tend to be militarily powerful, in part because military might is a function of economic capabilities. For two decades after world war two, the United States and the Soviet Union stood out as superpowers precisely because they benefited from that combination of economic and military capability including extensive arsenals of nuclear weapons and the means to deliver them anywhere, that enabled both to practice unrestrained globalism. The
Recreational runner Carrie Johnston
usually doesn’t feel hungry after a good sweat. Exercise{{U}} (31)
{{/U}}Johnston’ s appetite, but she knows she needs to{{U}} (32)
{{/U}}lost calories following a workout. "When I come home from a good run, I force myself{{U}} (33) {{/U}}supper," says Johnston, a dietitian at McMaster University in Hamilton.{{U}} (34) {{/U}}Johnston says many female athletes let good eating habits go and riskhealth{{U}} (35) {{/U}}thinness. Johnston, who works in the bone-marrow transplant unit at McMaster, has a background in sports{{U}} (36) {{/U}}. In 1997, while a student at the University of Guelph, she worked with Prof. Heather Keller on a study for her{{U}} (37) {{/U}}on the eating habits of female{{U}} (38) {{/U}}. The{{U}} (39) {{/U}}person with eating disorders is driven by a desire t A. runners B. athletes C. students D. workers [单选题]下列单位中,不属于国际单位制的单位是( )。
A.电压 B.吨 C.兆赫兹 D.毫米 [单项选择]下面哪一个不是UVWMap编辑修改器的贴图形式?()
A. 平面 B. 长方体 C. 面 D. 多面体 [单选题]工业发达国家的无损检测技术逐步从用无损评价来代替无损探伤和无损检测。自动无损评价的符号是( )。
A.波长=声速×频率 B.波长=2(频率×速度) C.波长=速度÷频率 D.波长=频率÷速度 [判断题]垂直安装的GIS二次电缆槽盒在安装时为了通风良好,底部进行了悬空处理。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]什么是安全生产专项整治三年行动“两张清单”?
[多选题]下列哪些行为属于扰乱秩序的行为( )。
A.偷盗机上救生设备 B.殴打乘客 C.酗酒滋事 D.企图打开驾驶舱门 [单选题]氧气瓶充气时一般分 ( ) 次进行(易)
A.一 B.二 C.三 D.四 [单选题]在各种成本计算方法中,品种法成本计算程序( )。
A.最具有代表性 B.最就有特殊性 C.最不完善 D.与其他方法的成本计算程序完全不同 [单选题](Lb5A1025).1bit能表示的数据大小是( )
A.2 B.零或1 C.4 D.8 [单项选择]下列属于智力因素的是( )。
A. 动机 B. 气质 C. 感知力 D. 综合素质 [多项选择]下列免征增值税的项目有()
A. 古旧图书 B. 避孕药品和用具 C. 个体工商户销售自己使用过的物品摩托车 D. 国际组织无偿援助的进口物资和设备 E. 兼营免税项目未单独核算销售额的 [多选题]根据《电气装置安装工程爆炸和火灾危险环境电气装置施工及验收规范》(GB50257-2014)第1.0.3条,本规范不适用于( )的电气装置安装工程的施工及验收环境。
A.危化品生产车间 B.炸药、起爆药及火工品等生产环境 C.海上和陆地油井平台 D.矿井井下 [判断题]二级动火时,只需工作负责人在现场监护。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]工程质量保险的期限多为( )。
A. 5年 B. 10年 C. 20年 D. 工程的合理使用寿命 [多选题]生产资料所有制关系是 。
A.衡量生产力水平的客观标志 B.生产关系中的决定因素 C.区分社会经济制度性质的根本标志 D.衡量社会道德水平的客观标志 我来回答: 提交