Well begun is half done, as the saying
goes. It is extremely important for a job applicant to make sufficient
preparations while seeking employment. From my standpoint, whether or not one
has prepared adequately clearly makes a difference in (affects) his chance of
success. I have a friend who is earning around 100 thousand dollars a year in a computer software company. He told me that, from his own experience, those who can decide whether an applicant could be employed prefer people who are well prepared. |
The wandering ship was a dramatic
symbol for a problem plaguing our age. In 1987, the ship, loaded with thousands
of tons of New York garbage, spent weeks wandering from one port to another in
search of a dump before finally returning home, mission
unaccomplished. New York, like other communities throughout the world is running out of space to put its trash. As throwaway societies, the US and other industrialized countries expect their garbage to be picked up by trucks that magically transported the refuse to some out-of-sight incinerator(焚化炉) or dump. But in the developing counties of Asia, Africa and Latin America, thousands of tons of trash collected daily are thrown into open dumps, where it feeds huge populations of rats that swarm through poor neighborhoods. "The world is literally swimming in garbage," says a scie A. The American ship eventually found a port and dumped its garbage before it returned home. B. Throwaway societies don’t need to transport their refuse and garbage to incinerator because they have a lot of space to put them. C. The wandering ship with garbage reflected the fact that garbage problem became very serious. D. The huge populations of rats swarm through poor neighborhood in many Western European countries because the garbage is thrown into the open dumps. [单选题]()kV 及以上或容量 ()MVA 及以上的油浸变压器、电抗器安装前应依据安装使用说明书编制施工方案(含安全技术措施),并进行交底。
A.35;20 B.110;30 C.220;60 D.500;110 [单项选择]福建省农村信用社联合社规定:省联社员工连续的四个考核年度中,有()个年度列入末位人员的,给予降职低聘、降职轮岗处理。
A. 一 B. 二 C. 三 D. 四 [单选题]安全员应在内攻入口处做好登记,检查防护装备,明( )等安全事项。
A. 灾害事故特点 B. 作战风险隐患 C. 确通信方式、撤离信号 D. 人员数量 [单选题]ST型缓冲器为弹簧()缓冲器。
A.摩擦式 B.胶泥式 C.液体式 D.略 [单项选择]治疗寒积便秘,最宜选用()。
A. 甘遂 B. 绿豆 C. 巴豆 D. 火麻仁 E. 牵牛子 [多选题]关于组播 ASM 模型和SSM 模型,下面说法哪些是正确的?(多选)
A.如果有两种不同的应用程序使用了同一个 ASM 组地址发送数据,他们的接收者会同时收到来自两个源的数据。 B.ASM 模型要求组地址必须整个组播网络中唯— C.SSM 模型对组地址不再要求全网唯一,只需要每个组播源上保持唯一。 D.SSM 和ASM 使用相同的组播地址范围。 [简答题]水隔离泵的特点是什么?
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]常用绝缘安全防护用具有绝缘手套、绝缘靴、绝缘隔板、绝缘垫、绝缘站台等。( )
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交