Personnel changes at the International
Monetary Fund and proposals for changing the fund have been reported lately.
After a lengthy public debate, the leading countries settled on another German,
Horst Kohler, to replace Michel Camdessus as the IMF’s managing director.
Unfortunately, the circus-like process began to resemble an affirmative-action
procedure when it became clear that a particular nationality--German--was a
prerequisite for the job. Calls for changes at the IMF came in the report from Congress’ International Financial Institution Advisory Commission, led by Allan H. Meltzer. (I was a witness before the commission on issues related to inequality.) The Meltzer Commission’s report surprised me by not advocating abolition of the IMF. The report said: "The commission did not join the council of despair calling fo A. He advocates the abolition of the IMF. B. He calls for the elimination of one or more of these institutions. C. He is the IMF’s managing director. D. He is the leader of the International Financial Institution Advisory Commission. [单选题]按照国家安全监管总局关于安全生产隐患排查治理体系建设的要求,安标一级企业要建立企业隐患排查治理制度,实施自查自改自报,并达到( )类水平。
A.B类 B.A类 C.D类 D.C类 [单选题]“能够品味真正的快乐而不被各种诱惑扰乱心性”这是下列哪项品格的定义( )。
A.自信 B.知足 C.主动 D.明理 [判断题]300#工艺流程采用先脱高后脱低9塔连续精馏工艺。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]客运企业应当逐步建立客运车辆技术信息化管理系统,完善客运车辆的技术管理。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]动态检车组长工位应配备( )
A.铁路普通固定电话 B.与铁路局集团公司车辆运行安全中心监测站的直通电话 C.与列检值班室的直通电话 D.数字语音记录装置 [单项选择]某25岁男性,乙肝五项检查结果 HBsAg(+),抗-HBs(-),抗-HBc lgM(+),HBeAg(-),抗-Hbe(-)可以说明他是
A. HbsAg携带 B. 乙肝大三阳 C. 既往感染过乙肝 D. 急性乙肝 E. 慢性乙肝 [单选题]心内注射常在 ( )
A.左剑肋角 B.胸骨左缘第4肋间隙 C.胸骨右缘第4肋间隙 D.右剑肋角 E.左侧第4肋间隙锁骨中线内1~2cm处 [单项选择]以下不属于韩愈散文艺术风格的是()
A. 追求创新而有所失正 B. 层见叠出,怪奇出新 C. 拔天倚地,气势逼人 D. 滔滔雄辩,闳中肆外 [单选题][T]BBA01 5 1 1
接通仪器操作间外接电源,要( ),防止仪器设备的损坏。 A.打开照明开关 B.用万用表测试电压 C.连接用电设备 D.连接仪器进行工作 我来回答: 提交