Music comes in many forms; most
countries have a style of their own.{{U}} (21) {{/U}}the turn of the
century when jazz (爵士乐) was born, America had no prominent{{U}} (22)
{{/U}}of its own. No one knows exactly when jazz was{{U}} (23)
{{/U}}, or by whom. But it began to be{{U}} (24) {{/U}}in the early
1900s. Jazz is America’s contribution to{{U}} (25) {{/U}}music. In
contrast to classical music, which{{U}} (26) {{/U}}formal European
traditions. Jazz is spontaneous and free-form. It bubbles with energy,
{{U}} 27 {{/U}}moods, interests, and emotions of the people. In the
1920s, jazz{{U}} (28) {{/U}}like America. And{{U}} (29) {{/U}}it
does today. The{{U}} (30) {{/U}}of this music are as interesting as the music{{U}} (31) {{/U}}, American Negroes, or blacks, as they are called today were the Jazz{{U}} (32) {{/U}}. They we A. expressing B. explaining C. exposing D. illustrating [单项选择]相邻滑触线导电部分间和导电部分对地部分间的净距不应小于()。
A. 15mm B. 20mm C. 25mm D. 30mm [判断题]《铁路旅客运输规程》第53条规定,旅客违章携带超重、超大的物品价值低于运费时,可按物品价值的60%核收运费。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]通过网银、手机银行最多可分别开立( )个Ⅱ、Ⅲ类账户。
A.1个 B.3个 C.5个 D.以上都不对。 [单选题]填用配电第一种工作票的工作,应得到( )的许可,并由工作负责人确认工作票所列当前工作所需的安全措施全部完成后,方可下令开始工作。
A.现场工作许可人 B.配电运维人员 C.全部工作许可人 D.值班调控人员 [单选题]资本主义利息的本质是
A.货币资本使用权的价格 B.剩余价值的特殊转化形式 C.借贷资本的报酬 D.平均利润的特殊转化形式 [判断题]营业机构加入支付系统时,可根据业务需求,选择大小额支付系统的加入。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]项目具体管理单位或建设单位应对承包商实际到场人员的( )进行真实性复查与评估,确保实际到场人员满足现场作业的安全要求。
A.个人资格 B.本规程考试成绩 C.身体健康状况 D.精神健康状态 [多选题]下列关于行调命令正确的是
A.列车临时清客,行调发布书面命令 B.在某站停站的客车,行调通知不停站通过时发布口头命令 C.客车推进运行,行调发布口头命令 D.改变列车驾驶模式,行调发布口头命令 E.越过引导信号、禁止信号,行调发布书面命令 [单项选择]子痫发作时孕妇的直接死因是()
A. 心脏病 B. 脑出血 C. Ⅲ度胎盘早剥 D. 急性重型肝炎 E. 急性肾衰竭 我来回答: 提交