Almost exactly a year ago, in a small village in Northern India, Andrea Milliner was bitten on the leg by a dog. "It must have (1) your nice white flesh", joked the doctor (2) he dressed the wound. Andrea and her husband Nigel were determined not to let it (3) their holiday, and thought no more (4) the dog, which had meanwhile quietly disappeared (5) the village.
"We didn’t realize there was (6) wrong with it," says Nigel. "It was such a small, (7) dog that rabies didn’t (8) my mind". But, six weeks later,23-year-old Andrea was dead. The dog had been rabid. No one had thought it necessary to (9) her anti-rabies treatment. When, back home in England, she began to show the classic (10) --unable to drink, catching her breath--her own doctor put it (11) to hysteria. Even when she was (12) into an ambulance, hallucinating, recoiling in (13) at th
A. seldom
B. rare
C. scarce
D. less
某胃大部分切除的患者近期出现严重贫血,表现为外周血巨幼红细胞增多。 |
The war was the most peaceful period of
my life. The window of my bedroom faced southeast. My mother had curtained it,
but that had small effect. I always woke up with the first light and, with all
the responsibilities of the previous day melted, felt myself rather like the
sun, ready to shine and feel joy. Life never seemed so simple and clear and full
of possibilities as then. I stuck my feet out under the sheets--I called them
Mrs. Left and Mrs. Right--and invented dramatic situations for them in which
they discussed the problems of the day. At least Mrs. Right did; she easily
showed her feelings, but I didn’t have the same control of Mrs. Left, so she
mostly contented herself with nodding agreement. They discussed what Mother and I should do during the day, what Santa Claus should give a fellow for Christmas, and what steps should be taken to brighte A. She was stubborn. B. She was poor. C. She was not very intelligent. D. She did not love him very much. [单项选择]油剂调配时,防腐剂加入量的依据不包括()。
A. 环境温度的高低 B. 防腐剂的特性 C. 油剂调配温度的高低 D. 油剂的特性 [单选题]甲醛常作为尿液的防腐剂,一般每升尿中加入
A.10%甲醛溶液5~10ml B.20%甲醛溶液10~15ml C.30%甲醛溶液5~10ml D.40%甲醛溶液5~10ml E.50%甲醛溶液5~10ml [单选题]《商业银行法》第十一条规定,未经( )批准,任何单位和个人不得从事吸收公众存款等商业银行业务,任何单位不得在名称中使用'银行'字样。
A.国务院 B.全国人民代表大会 C.中国人民银行 D.银行业监督管理机构 [填空题]机车主电路对大气过电压的保护主要采用两种方式:一是在网侧设置(),二是在主变压器的各次边绕组上设置()。
A.失业保险 B.养老保险 C.社会救济 D.企业年金 [单项选择]Surprisingly enough, modern historians have rarely interested themselves in the history of the American South in the period before the South began to become self-consciously and distinctively "southern"--the decades after 1815. Consequently, the cultural history of Britain’s North American Empire in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries has been written almost as if the Southern colonies had never existed. The American culture that emerged during the Colonial and Revolutionary eras has been depicted as having been simply an extension of New England Puritan culture. However, Professor Davis has recently argued that the South stood apart from the rest of American society during the early period, following its own unique pattern of cultural development. The case for Southern distinctiveness rests upon two related premises: first, that the cultural similarities among the five Southern colonies were far more impressive than the differences, and second, that what made those colonies alike
A. historians have overestimated the importance of the Puritans culture B. early American culture was deeply influenced by the strong religion C. Massachusetts and Connecticut served as cultural models of the other colonies D. colonial America resisted assimilating typically English cultural patterns [单选题]无功控制策略优先级最低的是(____)。
A.A.过电压控制 B.绝对最小滤波器控制 C.最小滤波器控制 D.Q/U控制 [判断题]23、把作业场所和工作岗位存在的危险因素如实告知从业人员,会有负面影响,引起恐慌,增加思想负担,不利于安全生产。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [不定项选择题]A.酒延胡索
A.醋延胡索 B.姜延胡索 C.盐延胡索 D.蜜延胡索 E.以行气止痛作用为主的炮制品是 [多选题] 多选题 "2.重大事故构成条件( )
A.死亡10人以上20人以下 B.重伤50人以上100人以下 C.直接经济损失5000万元以上1亿元以下 D.一条或多条线路全线停运24小时以上48小时以下" [单项选择]军队的用地项目中,属于免征城镇土地使用税的情形是______
A. 军队企业开发用地 B. 军队营业用地 C. 军队自用土地 D. 军队对外出租用地 我来回答: 提交