Sleepless at Night{{/B}} It was a normal summer night. Humidity (湿气) hung in the thick air. I couldn’t go to sleep, partly because of my cold and partly because of my expectations for the next day. My mum had said that tomorrow was going to be a surprise. Sweat stuck to my aching body. Finally, I gathered enough strength to sit up. I looked out of my small window into the night. There was a big bright moon hanging in the sky, giving off a magic light. I couldn’t stand the pressure anymore, so I did what I always do to make myself feel better. I went to the bathroom and picked up my toothbrush and toothpaste. I cleaned my teeth as if there was no tomorrow. Back and forth, up and down. Then I walked downstairs to look for some signs of movement, some lif A. a movie. B. a pet, C. a couch. D. a song. [单项选择]()是明确职业发展方向的必要条件,也是毕业生走向工作岗位的第一要素。
A. 自身条件 B. 家庭背景 C. 正确的人生观价值观 D. 环境条件 [单选题]钢平台安装时,钢丝绳应采用专用的挂钩挂牢,采取其他方式时卡头的卡子不得少于( )个。
A.5个 B.4个 C.3个 D.2个 [单项选择]()是为投资额较大的个人投资者和机构拱资者提供的最具个性化的服务。
A. 电话服务中心 B. 邮寄服务 C. 自动传真、电子信箱与手机短信 D. 专人服务 [判断题]现场防护员在防护时,除掌握驻站联络员通报信息外,应以瞭望防护为主。本线.邻线列车临近时,现场防护员须立岗接车,接车时防护员应站立于安全位置,右手持拢起(卷起)的黄色信号旗接车。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]You are assigned as a project manager to lead a new quality improvement project. Management is asking for a project management plan. Which of the following should you create FIRST
A. A process assurance plan. B. A quality management plan. C. A project management plan. D. A project scope statement. [单项选择]预算年度终了,()应当向董事会或者经理办公会报告预算执行情况,并依据预算完成情况和预算审计情况对预算执行单位进行考核。
A. 各预算单位 B. 预算委员会 C. 企业内部职能部门 D. 财务管理部门 [判断题]会计人员可以自愿选择参加继续教育主观部门认可的接受培训的形式。
[单选题]蛋白质一级结构是( )。
A.α螺旋、β折叠、β转角和无规则卷曲 B.亚基集结 C.氨基酸的种类和排列顺序 D.多肽链的螺旋、折叠 [简答题]LKJ-2000监控装置屏幕右边状态窗口的“开车”灯在按压【开车】键响应后---。
[判断题] 安全折梯的上部第二踏板为最高安全站立高度,应涂红色标志,梯子上第一踏板不得站立或超越。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]下列除哪项外均属实证范畴()
A. 虫积 B. 痰湿 C. 血瘀 D. 气滞 E. 气陷 我来回答: 提交