An orator, whose purpose is to persuade
men, must speak the things they wish to hear, an orator, whose purpose is to
move men, must also avoid disturbing the emotional effect by any obtrusion of
intellectual antagonism, but an author, whose purpose is to instruct men, who
appeals to the intellect, must be careless of their opinions and think only of
truth. It will often be a question when a man is or is not wise in advancing an
unpalatable opinion, or in preaching heresies. But it can never be a question
that a man should be silent if unprepared to speak the truth as be conceives it.
Deference to popular opinion is one great source of bad writing and is all the
more disastrous because the deference is paid to some purely hypothetical
requirement. When a man fails to see the truth of certain generally accepted
views, there is no law co A. show them their errors B. avoid disturbing their peace of mind C. tell them what they want to hear D. voice heresies [单项选择]输卵管壶腹部妊娠结果多为()
A. 在12~16周发生破裂 B. 在8~12周发生流产 C. 是输卵管妊娠中最危险的一种 D. 常形成继发性腹腔妊娠 E. 大部分形成陈旧性宫外孕 [多选题]母线对接焊缝的部位应符合( )规定。(GB 50149—2010《电气装置安装工程 母线装置施工及验收规范》3.4.13)
A.A.焊缝离支持绝缘子母线夹板边缘不应小于50mm B.B.母线宜减少对接焊缝 C.C.同相母线不同片上的对接焊缝,其错开位置不应小于100mm D.D.同相母线不同片上的对接焊缝,其错开位置不应小于50mm [判断题]拆除工程施工过程中,当发生重大险情或生产安全事故时,应及时排除险情、组织抢 救,不必保护事故现场,向有关部门报告。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]131I完全去除分化型甲状腺癌(DTC)术后残留甲状腺组织后,血清Tg升高提示
A. DTC复发或转移 B. 机体免疫功能增强 C. 机体免疫功能降低 D. 甲状腺功能减低未纠正 E. 服用甲状腺激素过多 [单选题]变压器负载增加时将出现()。
A.一次侧电流保持不变 B.一次侧电流减小 C.一次侧电流随之相应增加 D.二次侧电流不变 [判断题]剧毒化学品以及储存数量构成重大危险源的其他危险化学品必须在专用仓库内单独存放,实行双人收发、双人保管制度。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]单向双探的THDS-A红外轴温探测系统配置1块数字IO卡和()块AD采集卡。
A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4 [单项选择]长期使用后,出现疗效的降低()
A. 个体差异 B. 耐受性 C. 遗传因素 D. 药物体内活化 E. 精神因素 我来回答: 提交