阅读文字材料。按要求回答36-40题。 人的天性中有强烈的追求认知和审美的愿望,它赋予了人无限的创造力和充满生机的高尚而纯洁的情感。科学和艺术,一个是理性的,一个是感性的,它们在人类的发展史上结伴而行。科学是人类追求真理的事业,它以观察、思考、求证和实践的方法来探索和发现客观世界,寻求宇宙中繁杂的现象世界背后的本质。而艺术则是充满情感的、色彩缤纷的自由世界,它为我们提供了一个经过抽象和净化的理想图景,通过审美,它调动起人们深藏于最底层的情感、想象和意识,把人的精神带入全面自由。艺术也是一种创造,是艺术家自身的精神和独立思考的产物。近年来,科学家、哲学家和艺术家经常探讨科学美及科学与艺术之间的关系问题。他们认为,科学和艺术在最高层面和最普遍的意义上是相通的。许多物理学家相信,真与美是相伴的。科学家常从理论结构是否美来预言其结果是否正确。他们认为部分与部分之间和部分与整体之间的固有的统一是美的,自然界的规律表现出来的和谐、统一、对称、简洁都是美的。科学活动本身,就焕发出人性的光辉。居里夫人说:“科学的探索研究,其本身就含有至美。” 科学与艺术是两种不同性质的事业,前者强调客观的事实,需要理性的严格,而后者则强调主观和想象,需要灵感和自由。科学是精确的、严密的,它的基本语言是数学,而艺术则是模糊的、开放的,它的基本语言是线条和色彩。19世纪末,正在酝酿一场现代的科学革命,因为以牛顿物理学为代表的理论无法解释从自然中提出的许多问题。20世纪初以普朗克、爱因斯坦、波尔等科学家为代表,建立了量子力学和相对论,形成了一场新的科学革命,使人们考察世界的尺度发生了巨大的变化,把科学的视野由低速宏观领域推进到高速微观领域,相继又出现了信息论、控制论、耗散结构理论、混沌分形几何理论、复杂系统论等。人们的思维方式发生了根本的变化。科学的重点从线性因果关系转向非线性的、不确定、模糊、不稳定等关系的研究。它也深深地影响了我们的艺术。西方艺术出现多元化倾向,从19世纪末的印象派以至后来以塞尚、高更、凡高、马蒂斯、毕加索等为 A. 美与真总是珠联璧合的,科学活动本身,就焕发出人性的光辉。科学家常从理论结构是否美来预言其结果是否正确。 B. 科学和艺术都经历了从线性因果关系转向非线性的、不确定、模糊、不稳定等关系的研究的过程。 C. 科学和艺术都是抽象的,因为只有抽象才能揭示自然界和人类社会的规律,表达人类对于世界本质的认识和理解。 D. 科学与艺术有极其相似的精神因素,它们都体现出一种超越和创造的革命精神。 [简答题]简述热处理过程中升温过快导致在义齿基托中形成许多气泡的原因。
[单选题]意识形态:在一定的社会经济基础上形成的代表了某一阶级或社会集团的利益的系统的思想观念。下列属于意识形态的是( )。
A.虽然本周股市低迷,但大部分股民都相信下周股票一定会上涨 B.某省文学艺术界联合会号召大家在新时期要抵制低俗文化,净化文化环境 C.摄影师小韩在某知名论坛上发布了一组某藏族贫困小学生艰辛求学的照片,号召大家为其捐助,许多人纷纷回应,在网上引起了轩然大波 D.“嫦娥一号”成功发射那一刻,举国上下欢呼庆祝 [简答题]什么是钻井液?在钻井中的作用是什么?
[单选题]请阅读Passage 2,完成第小题。
Passage 2
Among China's greatest art treasures are the Buddhist caves near Dunhuang. Their ancient frescoes and sculptures have survived wars, environmental damage, antiquities hunters, and the chaotic Cultural Revolution.
Today domestic tourism is the biggest threat: the UNESCO World Heritage site has an optimal capacity of 3,000 per day, but peak times can see twice that many visitors.
The Mogao Grottoes are especially vulnerable to mass tourism. Their ecosystems are fragile. A buildup of humidity and carbon dioxide from visitors' breath can lead to flaking and discoloration of wall paintings.
To preserve the caves, the Dunhuang Academy is pioneering a project to digitize the site.
Recently, the Arthur M. Sackler Gallery in Washington,
C., offered a tantalizing glimpse at the undertaking. Donning 3-D glasses, visitors were transported into a breathtaking "virtual" Dunhuang grotto, known as Cave 220. The 3-D, interactive experience is flooded with vivid color, close-up details, moving images of flying bodhisattvas, even sound, "Dunhuang ranks as the single most important repository of early Chinese art. Here the great cultures of the World--Greek and Roman,Persian and Middle Eastern, Indian and Chinese--constantly interacted for over a millennium,"said Mimi Gates, who formed the Dunhuang Foundation. "High-resolution digitization will provide a lasting record of this artistic treasure for all mankind and can make it accessible beyond China."
A dozen years ago, the Dunhuang Academy began cooperating with foregoing institutions to conserve the treasures. Among the projects, one used a camera to create a digital archive of the caves. The results will be used in the academy which planned $40 million state-of-the-art visitor center which will present virtual tour of the caves to save the real site wear and tear. The scope of the project is daunting. It requires 20 minutes or so to record a 9-square-meter fresco, and there are 492 caves with murals inside. But the Sackler exhibit proved how enthralling the single virtual cave CaB be.
Real caves provide no lightbulbs. Once they reach critical levels of moisture and temperature,they are shut to the public. Only a few dozen caves are accessible at any given time. But the Sackler's virtual tour was different. One of the most popular features was the "magnifying glass",which can zoom in on, say, a zither depicted in a mural. The instrument appears to pop out of the wall, enlarge, and then rotate in space. Visitors can also "flip" back and forth between the intricate Tang-dynasty mural and a later, cruder Sung-dynasty fresco.
To help Cave 220's Tang dancer paintings magically come to life, two Chinese performers were flown to the Applied Laboratory for Interactive Visualization and Embodiment (ALIV
E) in a Hong Kong university. For three days the dancers were filmed performing intricate steps, fluid movements, and careful manipulation of long, sinuous ribbons. They appeared in the Sackler tour,dancing as if in midair, clad in brightly colored Tang costume. ALIVE's project manager said while he's become intimately familiar with the images Cave 220, he hasn't been there yet. "I can't wait to visit the real thing."
What does the underlined phrase "this artistic treasure" in PARAGRAPH 4
refer to?
A.Dunhuang. B.Early Chinese art. C.Indian and Chinese art. ? D.Persian and Middle Eastern art. [简答题] 班组在作业中需要操作接触轨隔离开关断送电、登车、车顶作业和使用铁鞋、静调电源柜时,检修负责人应在实施作业前向办理请点相关申请手续。(1.0分)
A. 聘用专业保安公司的保安人员 B. 物业管理企业自己组建保安部 C. 聘用专业保安人员与企业自己组建保安部结合 D. 物业管理企业其他部门工作人员兼作保安员 我来回答: 提交