Taking a cell, practically any cell,
from your body, the theory goes, and through appropriate biological
tinkering(摆弄) you can cause it to grow into a duplicate of yourself—identical
from eyelashes to toenails. No need for procreational(生育的) sex any more;{{U}}
(51) {{/U}}this system, you can neatly reproduce yourself without
a{{U}} (52) {{/U}}. Human cloning, it is called. Science fact or science
fiction What would happen if human cloning became a{{U}} (53) {{/U}}
One favorite scenario is the{{U}} (54) {{/U}}of a new{{U}} (55)
{{/U}}of Hitlers—or Einsteins. Scientists quickly disclaim the possibility.
"It is more than genetic make-up that makes an individual." Says Markert of Yale
University, "We are all products of a particular{{U}} (56) {{/U}}era and
of a special environment, A. companion B. company C. partner D. party [单选题]14、华为ONU是()。
A.A、光网络终端 B.B、中继器 C. D.D、光网络单元 [单项选择]下列关于资产减值会计处理的表述中,错误的是( )。
A. 与关联方发生的其他应收款不应计提坏账准备 B. 处置已计提减值准备的固定资产应同时结转已计提的减值准备 C. 存在发生坏账可能性的应收票据应转入应收账款计提坏账准备 D. 委托贷款本金的账面价值高于其可收回金额时应计提减值准备 [判断题]不论整车、零担或集装箱运输,同种货物一律使用同一品名代码。
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]下列资产负债表日后事项中,属于调整事项的有( )。
A. 处置子公司 B. 新的证据表明,在资产负债表日对建造合同按完工百分比法确认的收入存在重大差错 C. 对外巨额举债 D. 在资产负债表日或以前提起的诉讼,以不同于资产负债表中登记的金额结案 [单项选择]气焊和气割的焊炬和割炬的材料为()。
A. 铜合金 B. 含铜量不低于70%的铜合金 C. 含铜量不高于70%的铜合金 [单项选择]影响一台计算机性能的关键部件是( )。
A. CD-ROM B. 硬盘 C. CPU D. 显示器 [判断题]凡是民事法律行为都是合法行为。
A. 门体分流手术后 B. 早期原发性肝癌 C. 妊娠急性脂肪肝 D. 肝硬化导致消化道出血 E. 胆道感染 我来回答: 提交