某业主在办理入住手续后,即填写《住宅装饰装修申报表》(附装修草图),向物业管理单位申报装修,物业管理单位随即派出保安人员到现场核查,未发现需要有关部门批准的特殊项目,遂签字同意。物业管理单位向业主收取了装修保证金、装修管理服务费、垃圾清运费、施工人员安全管理费、消防器材费、施工现场管理费、业主组织施工单位进场装修,历时两个月。装修过程中,施工人员在施工现场用电炉做饭、住宿。物业管理单位发现后,要求立即整改,但业主予以拒绝,物业管理单位随即采取停水停电措施迫使业主改正。装修完成并通过物业管理单位验收后,业主要求物业管理单位退还已收取的费用,物业管理单位以装修过程违规行为为由,拒绝退还,在此情况下,业主遂拒绝缴纳物业管理费。请分析此案例,回答下列问题: |
NASA is releasing several images taken
by the Hubble Space Telescope, which is the closest yet look at the red planet.
Altogether there are four images, which show the entire planet. Each view shows
the planet as it completes one quarter of its daily rotation. In these views the
north polar cap is turned toward the Earth and is clearly visible at the top of
each picture. The images were taken in the middle of the Martian northern
summer, when the polar cap was at its smallest size. During this season the sun
shines continuously on the polar cap. Previous spacecraft observations have
shown that this summertime polar cap is composed of water ice, just like Earth’s
polar caps. The Hubble Telescope pictures reveal that great changes have occurred on the surface of Mars in the past 20 years. The Martian surface is ever changing. Some regions that were dark 20 A. Vague. B. Clear. C. Cannot be seen. D. Barely visible. [单项选择]将调查总体各单位的名称或号码逐个写在签条或卡片上,放在箱中,打乱次序,拌和均匀,然后按抽签办法,不加任何选择地在全部签条或卡片中随机抽出所需的调查样本,这是()。
A. 抽签法 B. 随机数表法 C. 分层随机抽样 D. 分群随机抽样法 [简答题]采用SOA架构,性能问题主要由那些方面引起?
[判断题]按照绿色发展的要求, 通过科学管理和技术创新, 采用有利于节约资源、 保护环境、 减少排放、 提高效率、 保障品质的建造方式, 实现人与自然和谐共生的工程建造活动。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]固定资产的预计使用寿命和净残值发生变更,这一变更属于()
A. 会计政策变更 B. 会计估计变更 C. 一般会计差错 D. 重大会计差错 [判断题]执行列车区间疏散(清客)时,清客.疏散乘客到达事发线路的车站,原则上应停止服务(共用站台换乘的车站除外)。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交