All mammals require sleep; it
is an essential part of life. For giraffes, two hours a Line day is enough. For bats, that number is closer to twenty. The average adult human needs between seven and nine hours of sleep every day. Despite these differences, mammals all have one thing in common: If they do not get enough sleep, they can (5) suffer serious mental and physical consequences. The most extensive sleep research has been conducted on people. Through these studies, scientists have identified two broad categories of sleep, which can be further divided into five stages with distinct physiological functions. Taken together, they form a complete sleep cycle. The first four stages are marked by a (30) lack of rapid eye movement (REM). Therefore, they are referred to as non-REM< A. (A) A typical person needs more than six sleep cycles to maintain optimal health. B. (B) REM sleep is more important than non-REM sleep. C. (C) A typical person experiences more REM sleep at the end of the night. D. (D) Lack of sleep can stunt the growth of adults. E. (E) The majority of sleep disorders occur in children. [单选题]在拉铲或反铲作业时,挖掘机履带到工作面边缘的安全距离不应小于( )米。
A.1.0 B.1.5 C.2 D.2.5 [单项选择]
某公司网上销售管理系统的数据库部分关系模式如下所示。其中,客户号唯一标识一位客 户,产品号唯一标识一件产品,订单号唯一标识一份订单。一份订单必须且仅对应一位客户, 一份订单可由一到多条订单明细组成,一位客户可以有多份订单。 客户(客户号,姓名,性别,地址,邮编) 产品(产品号,名称,库存,单价) 订单(订单号,时间,金额,客户号) 订单明细(订单号,产品号,数量) 订单关系模式的主键为 () ;订单明细关系模式的主键为 () ;其中订单的外键为 () 。 订单关系模式的主键为()A. 订单号 B. 客户号 C. (订单号,客户号) D. (订单号,时间) [多选题]根据《建筑法》,建筑施工企业在编制施工组织设计时,对专业性较强的工程项目( )。
A. 应当编制专项安全施工组织设计 B. 视情况决定是否编制专项安全施工组织设计 C. 不必编制专项安全施工组织设计 D. 采取安全技术措施 E. 视情况决定是否采取安全技术措施 [多选题]放线、紧线与撤线工作均应有( ),并做到通信畅通、加强监护。
A.A.统一调度 B.B.明确分工 C.C.专人指挥 D.D.统一信号 E.略 F.略 G.略 [判断题]人民币冠字号码查询,只针对客户认为从我行支取的可疑币,且经金融机构确认为假币的客户提供查询服务,不受理真币的冠字号码查询申请。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题] CPU的外部总线频率是 ( )。
A.主频 B.外频 C.倍频 D.FSB频率 [判断题]铁路互联网售票可以先在网站预订,取票时再付款。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]接头内只浸入潮气或两相邻线对间滴进水滴或汗滴情况时,只有相应的芯线( )下降。
A.环阻 B.串音防卫度 C.绝缘电阻 D.不平衡电阻 [单选题]党支部委员会必须有多少委员到会方可召开?( )
A.1/3 B.1/2 C.4/5 D.全部 [简答题]简述新的新行为主义的局限。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交