The Barbie Dolls In the mid 1940s, the young ambitious Duo Ruth and Elliott Handler owned a company that made wooden pictures frames (结构). It was in 1945 that Ruth and Elliot Handler jointed with their close friend Harold Mattson to form a company that would be known for the most famous and successful doll ever created. The company would be named Mattel, MATT for Mattson, and EL for Elliot. In the mid 1950s, while visiting Switzerland, Ruth Handler purchased a German Lilli doll. Lilli was a sharply, pretty fashion doll first made in 1955. She was originally fashioned after a famous cartoon character in the West German Newsletter, Build. Lilli is the doll that would inspire Ruth Handler to design [单项选择]One afternoon I was sitting at my favorite table in a restaurant, waiting for the food I had ordered. Suddenly I (36) that a man sitting at a table near the window kept glancing in my direction, (37) he knew me. The man had a newspaper (38) in front of him, which he was (39) to read, but I could (40) that he was keeping an eye on me. When the waiter brought my (41) , the man was clearly puzzled (困惑) by the (42) way in which the waiter and I (43) each other. He seemed even more puzzled as (44) went on and it became (45) that all the waiters in the restaurant knew me. Finally he got up and went into the (46) . When he came out, he paid his bill and (47) without another glance in my direction.
I called the owner of the restaurant and asked what the man had (48) "Well," he said, "that man was a detective (侦探). He (49) you here because he thought you were the man he (50) ." "What" I A. a pity B. natural C. a chance D. luckily [填空题]Today, some 30% of small business owners don’t have a Web presence at all, while the vast majority who do are watching their sites sit stale, waiting and wanting for business. Where did things go wrong There are common principles followed by those whose dreams of online success have become reality.
(41) Build your site around your customer: Thinking of your site as your online storefront, built around delivering the highest-quality customer experience from the moment your customer steps through the "door". (42) Just because you built it doesn’t mean they’ll come: If you aren’t seeing a large volume of targeted traffic to your site, it’s time to up the ante. (43) Integrate customer loyalty programs and promotions: Methods contain discounts, news, or friendly service reminders. Use discount promotional offers to stay in touch with past visitors to your site. (44) Justify your monthly spending th [单选题]
麻疹的皮疹特点是 A.红色斑丘疹,退疹后有细小脱屑及色素沉着 B.斑丘疹,退疹后无脱屑及色素沉着 C.皮肤弥漫性充血,上有密集针尖大小丘疹 D.皮疹向心性分布,红斑疹、丘疹、疱疹混合 E.红色斑丘疹,颈与躯干部多见 [多选题]待风机转速达到()之后,逐步增加风门开度直到满足生产需要。
A.额定转速 B.电流稳定 C.最大 D.最小 [单项选择]有关查询设计器,正确的描述是()。
A. "联接"选项卡与SQL语句的GROUP BY 短语对应 B. "筛选"选项卡与SQL语句的HAVING短语对应 C. "排序依据"选项卡与SQL语句的ORDER BY短语对应 D. "分组依据"选项卡与SQL语句的JOIN ON短语对应 [判断题]进出口许可证的签发统一由海关总署负责,实行分级管理。 ( )
[单选题]氢气侧压力调整器排气动作次数是氧气侧压力调整器排气动作次数的( )倍。
A.1 B.2 C.3 [判断题]在有列检作业场车站至长大下坡道区间间的各站始发或进行摘挂作业的列车,不进行持续一定时间的全部试验,需填发制动效能证明书。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]工作完工后,应清扫整理现场,工作负责人(包括小组负责人)应检查( )的状况。
A.停电地段 B.检修地段 C.工作地段 D.杆塔上 [判断题]申请农户循环额度贷款,借款人夫妻双方一年内不良征信信息不超过六次且无不良贷款余额。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题] 安全色有( )种
A.4 B.5 C.6 D.7 [单项选择]债券本期收益率的计算公式是( )。
A. 票面收益/市场价格 B. 票面收益/债券面值 C. (出售价格-购买价格)/市场价格 D. (出售价格-购买价格)/债券面值 [单选题] 气瓶应每( )个月检查一次,如果发现或怀疑气瓶里有铁锈、水、异物微粒时,应在使用前清除。
A.6个月 B.12个月 C.18个月 D.3个月 [判断题]破拆的方法主要有撬砸法.拉拽法.切割法.冲撞法.顶撑法.爆破法.机械拆除法。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]出站信号机有两个及以上的运行方向,而信号显示不能分别表示进路方向时,应在信号机上装设( )。
A.发车表示器 B.调车表示器 C.发车线路表示 D.进路表示器 [填空题]维修作业是指作业开始前( ),结束后须达到正常放行列车条件的作业。
A.足三里 B.上巨虚 C.下巨虚 D.条口 E.丰隆 [多选题]拘传适用的条件是( )。
A.犯罪手段恶劣的 B.根据案件情况应予拘传的 C.经过传唤没有正当理由拒不到案的 D.可能判处管制、拘役或者独立使用附加刑的 [简答题]擅自收购烟叶的,如何处罚?
A.作业负责人 B.作业人员 C.许可人 D. E.略 F.略 [填空题]无线调车灯显设备显示一个绿灯表示( )。
A. 氯磺丙脲 B. 格列齐特 C. 二甲双胍 D. 阿卡波糖 E. 正规胰岛素 [单项选择]在韦伯定律中,韦伯分数越小,表示()。
A. 绝对感受性越好 B. 绝对感受性越差 C. 差别感受性越好 D. 差别感受性越差 [单项选择]洋地黄中毒所致的心律失常最常见的是()
A. 房性期前收缩 B. 心房颤动 C. 房室传导阻滞 D. 室上性心动过速 E. 室性期前收缩 [单选题](61030)将油滴在钢料上,若油滴不成( )而成线状伸展,说明可能有裂纹存在。(1.0分)
A.断点状伸展 B.不扩散 C.曲线形扩散 D.圆弧状扩散 [单项选择]The snow turns to ice when __________.
A. it gets wet B. the next snowfall comes C. the temperature gets colder D. the snow above it is heavy enough [单选题]常温恒温干燥法温度一般为
A.100℃ B.105℃ C.95℃ D.120℃ E.80℃ [单选题]完全竞争厂商在短期内
A.总能获得超额利润 B.要依供求变化关系确定是否存在超额利润 C.总是出现亏损 D.以上三种说法均不正确 [判断题]在有VIP、VVIP的航班上,原则上不得载运押送犯罪嫌疑人;如持有 地、市级以上公安机关证明,可以运输,但押解人员乘机时必须持枪。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]马弗炉是实验室常用的设备,使用马弗炉做样品灰化时,恒重后应取()作为称量的恒重取值。
A. 最后一次 B. 平均值 C. 最小的一次 D. 最大的一次 [简答题]支队检阅程序的第二项流程是?(简单)
A. 汽提塔进料温度低于180℃ B. 回流罐水包满 C. 塔压波动 D. 塔底液位波动 [单选题](2012年)2011年12月1日,某公司在全国银行间债券市场发行了50000万元人民币短期融资券,期限为1年,票面利率为5.8%,每张面值为100元,到期一次还本付息,发生交易费用35万元。若该公司将该短期融资券指定为交易性金融负债,则支付的交易费用应借记“()”账户。
A.财务费用 B.投资收益 C.交易性金融负债 D.营业外支出 [单选题]患者,女性,38岁,上腹部不适3年,近2个月进食后饱胀感,时有嗳气,反酸。血清学检查提示:抗壁细胞抗体阴性,胃镜检查提示:胃黏膜颗粒状,血管网显露。该患者可能是(1.00分)( )
A.急性胃炎 B.慢性浅表性胃炎 C.慢性萎缩性胃炎 D.自身免疫性胃炎 E.胃癌 我来回答: 提交