Americans usually consider themselves a
friendly people. Their friendships, however, tend to be shorter and more casual
than friendships among people from other cultures. It is not uncommon for
Americans to have only one close friend during their life-time, and consider
other "friends" to be just social acquaintances. This attitude probably has
something to do with American mobility and the fact that Americans do not like
to be dependent on other people. They tend to "compartmentalize" friendships,
having "friends at work" ,"friends on the softball team", "family friends",
etc. Because the United States is a highly active society, full of movement and change, people always seem to be on the go. In this highly charged atmosphere, Americans can sometimes seem brusque or impatient. They want to get to know you as quickly as possible and A. they are not interested in other countries B. they are too proud of themselves C. their country does not have many neighboring nations D. they are too busy to learn about other countries [单项选择]高血压合并糖尿病的患者,不宜用下列哪类药物?
A. 二氮嗪、氢氯噻嗪 B. 血管紧张素转化酶抑制剂 C. 美托洛尔 D. 哌唑嗪 E. 以上均不能用 [判断题]游戏时常出自漫画,漫画有时来自游戏,游戏与漫画不可分割。
[多选题]班级管理包括( )三个基本环节。
A.制定计划 B.组织实施 C.评价总结 D.科学规范 [单选题]超过( )坡度的线路(为溜放调车而设的驼峰和牵出线除外),禁止溜放。
A.1‰ B.1.5‰ C.2.5‰ D.3‰ [单选题]“以手触试”原则上适用于所有( )许可工作。能触试的设备应以手触试,若工作负责人不作要求则可不以手触试。
A.不停电 B.带电 C.停电 D.热备用状态 [单项选择]滞流时的传热系数比湍流时的传热系数()。
A. 大 B. 小 C. 相等 D. 不一定 [单选题]不属于官内节育器放置术适宜时间的是
A.月经前3~7天 B.月经干净后3~7天 C.人工流产官腔长度<10cm者立即放置 D.产后满3个月 E.自然流产转经后 [简答题]地核的特点?
A. 上颌突与下颌突未联合或部分联合 B. 一侧或两侧的球状突或上颌突未联合或部分联合 C. 侧腭突和鼻中隔未融合或部分融合 D. 前腭突与上颌突未能联合或部分联合 E. 上颌突与侧鼻突未联合 [单项选择]中央特科于1927年12月在( )建立.
A. 北平 B. 南京 C. 上海 D. 广州 [填空题]( )是化学变化中的最小微粒。
A. 血浆晶体渗透压升高,ADH释放增多 B. 血量减少,血压下降 C. 血浆晶体渗透压降低,ADH释放减少 D. 血浆胶体渗透压升高,ADH释放增多 E. 血浆胶体渗透压升高,肾小球滤过率减少 我来回答: 提交