Really Equal Partnership{{/B}} Rodney Mace, 36, is married with two young children, and is a part time teacher of architectural history, "I am constantly surprised by other people’s, when they come to the house and see me cleaning a floor or hanging out the washing. Their eyes open wide at the sight of it! Much of the comment comes from men. But I am even more surprised at the number of women who comment too." His wife Jane, an Oxford graduate in modern languages, has a demanding full-time job. She is director of the Cambridge House literacy scheme for adults in South London. Her working week involves several evenings and Saturdays, and at these times her husband is in sole charge of home and family. Apart from this, they share household jobs and employ a child-minder for A. they have a truly equal partnership B. the husband enjoys staying at home C. they earn more money D. the wife has a full-time job [单选题]Word 2010的文本框可用于将文本置于文档的指定位置,但文本框中不能插入____。
A.文本内容 B.图形内容 C.声音内容 D.特殊符号 [单项选择]不孕患者,检查排卵功能,以下哪项关系最不大
A. 月经周期中宫颈粘液的检查 B. B超监测卵巢排卵情况 C. 甲状腺功能的检查 D. 子宫内膜活组织检查 E. 基础体温测定 [不定项选择题]混悬型滴鼻剂应检查的是
A.黏附力 B.装量差异 C.递送均一性 D.微细粒子剂量 E.沉降体积比 [简答题]On the advice of his accountant, Mat registered a private limited company to conduct his small manufacturing business in January 2010. One of the reasons for establishing the company was to avoid liability for potential losses. The initial shareholders of the company were Mat, his wife Mary, and her father Norm, who each took 1,000 shares in the company, each with a nominal value of €1. The accountant explained that they did not have to pay the full nominal value of the shares at once, so they each paid only 25 cents per share taken, with the result that they still owed the company a further 75 cents per share to be paid at a later date.
When the company was established it became apparent that it needed to borrow money from a bank to finance an expansion in production. To that end Oop bank plc lent the company €20,000 secured by a fixed charge against the land Mat had previously transferred to the company, with an additional personal guarantee from Mat for any further debts owed by th
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]对可能发生误碰危险的安装位置,应将拆下的通信线用绝缘胶布进行包扎,作业人员不得直接触碰通信线导体部分。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]调控中心、运维中心、变电站各层级操作都应具备完善的防误闭锁功能,并确保操作权的()。
A.一致性 B.统一性 C.独立性 D.唯一性 [单选题]含羞草的感应性对它生存的主要意义是
A.防止损伤枝叶 B.利用捕食昆虫 C.利用水分运输 D.利于体内有机物的分配 [判断题]2.56 《机动车查验记录表》的填写要求,对申请变更车身颜色的机动车进行查验时,查验员应在"备注"栏中签注确定的"车身颜色"。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]关于补币的注意事项正确的是:( )
A.在票务系统录入TVM补币金额后,再登录TVM,录入补币金额、钱箱号; B.每日运营开始前需进行钱箱的补充,到行车值班员处领取钱箱钥匙,做好记录 C.每日运营开始前的补币,系统录入工作需在3点后进行,TVM结账、回收清点、金额录入系统等工作,需在次日3点之前完成; D.运营期间,当SC系统显示补币钱箱将空或在TVM设备上显示不找零模式时,需及时补币。 E.补币的金额应为50的整数倍。 [单选题]正线动车组列车通过前10min,车站值班员应通知调车指挥人停止邻线线间距不足( )的通过列车一侧的调车作业,调车作业人员应在调车指挥人的指挥下到安全地点避车。
A.5.5m B.6.5m C.5m D.3.5m [判断题]发生民事纠纷,双方当事人可以自行和解。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]在INMARSAT中有四个通信的优先等级,其中PRIORITY2表示().
A. 日常通信 B. 安全通信 C. 紧急通信 D. 遇险通信 [多选题]按容器在生产工艺过程中的作用原理可分为( )。
A. 反应容器 B. 有毒介质容器 C. 已储存容器 D. 换热容器 E. 分离容器 [填空题]
A. 农用地 B. 建设用地 C. 未利用地 D. 已利用地 E. 空闲地 我来回答: 提交