Here is the President of the International Olympic Committee, Mr Samaranch’s speech at the Opening Ceremony of the 26th Olympic Games. I’ll read it for you
"On behalf of the International Olympic committee, it gives me great pleasure to welcome you to the Games of the XXVI Olympiad, Sydney 2000."
"The goal of the Olympic Movement is to contribute to building a peaceful and better world by educating youth through sport practice without discrimination of any kind and in the Olympic spirit. In the spirit, nations and youth of the world come together every four years to celebrate the world’s largest sporting festival. SOCOG has organized these sporting com-petitions in consultation with the International federations responsible for each sport. This is through nomination of the Technical Officials, specification of the technical requirements, and cooperation with the IOC and SOCOG on venue and other preparations. We thank each I
Founded in 1386, the oldest university
in Germany and one of the oldest three universities in European Continent (not
including the UK) is the University of Heidelberg, The university is located in
a beautiful city in southwest of Germany, Heidelberg. With a population of only
130,000, the city attracts millions of tourists from worldwide every
year. Unlike other universities in Germany, Heidelberg University is not situated in a fixed area. Instead, it is dotted among the ancient old downtown areas. Tourists often find one of its faculties (系,科) here, and another one there, just beside the bustling commercial area. The university has about 24,000 students, among them more than 4,500 international students, and is regarded as an important center of modern research and study in Germany. Its fifteen faculties cover a wide area of subjects in th A. 590 B. 600 C. 610 D. 621 [判断题]知识点:0709 (氧气与微生物的生长) 难易度:适中 认知度:识记
兼性厌氧微生物在有氧和无氧时均分别进行呼吸代谢和发酵作用。 A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]男,40岁,腰部撞击伤,腰腹痛,血尿入院。诊断左肾裂伤。经抗休克抗感染治疗,病情稳定。两周后,患者出现高热39.6℃,伴腹痛加剧,BP:90/50mmHg,P:120次/分,面色苍白,左上腹包块突然增大伴肌紧张。下列哪种可能性大()
A. 感染所致的迟发性脾破裂大出血 B. 肾周感染继发肾破裂大出血 C. 肾外伤后肾积水感染 D. 肾周感染伴麻痹性肠梗阻 E. 肾周感染所致的感染中毒性休克 [判断题]停泵时,为防止油品倒流,冲动叶轮倒转,损坏设备,必须先关出口阀。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]产品装配的常用方法有完全互换装配法、选择装配法、修配装配法和( )。[1分]
A.调整装配法 B.直接选配法 C.分组选配法 D.互换装配法 [判断题]市县政府及其部门要加强对社会组织的培育、规范和管理,把社会可以自我调节和管理的职能交给社会组织。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]车辆段(停车场)范围内,所有施工须按要求设置红闪灯。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]【判断】
锅炉启动循环泵马达腔需要注水时,无论采用高压或低压水源,都必须对注水管路先进行冲洗,确认注水水质合格,水温低于49℃。() A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]CRH2/CRH380A系列动车组:( )操作对应车门“紧急开门阀”排风后打开车门。
A.列车长 B.列车员 C.随车机械师 D.司机 我来回答: 提交
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