Platform{{/B}} In the aftermath of the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center, security experts are trying to develop new ways of rescuing people from buming skysrapers. One idea is a platform capable of flying vertically and hovering in the air like a helicopter. The platform would rise up and down alongside a skyscraper and pick up people trapped in high stories. The idea for the vertical takeoff platform was hatched more than ten years ago by a Russian aerospace engineer, David Metreveli, who has since moved to Israel. Metreveli’s dedsign, called the Eagle, calls for two jet engines that turn four large horizontal propellers. The spinning of the propellers generates the necessary lift, [多选题]根据《广西居住区供配电设施建设规范》,下列建筑面积的城市住宅用电负荷可按12kW/套进行估算()。
A.90 B.120 C.150 D.165 [单项选择]由地震、火灾和瘟疫等产生的风险属于()
A. 自然风险 B. 技术风险 C. 社会风险 D. 政治风险 [单选题]下列属于正迁移的是( )。
A.教学审题技能的掌握对物理、化学审题的影响 B.学习汉语字母发音对英语字母发音的影响 C.外语学习中,词汇的掌握对阅读的影响 D.在学校爱护公物的言行影响在校外规范自己的行为 [简答题]液压油热膨胀率的定义是什么?
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]列入钢筋加工计划的配料单,将每一编号的钢筋制作一块料牌,作为钢筋加工的依据。( )
[单选题]在调制中频电疗法中能较好地加强局部血液循环的是( )。
A.连调波与变调波 B.断续波与连调波 C.间调波与变调波 D.连调波与间调波 E.断续波与变调波 [单选题]《刑法》第一百三十五条 【重大劳动安全事故罪】安全生产设施或者安全生产条件不符合国家规定,因而发生重大伤亡事故或者造成其他严重后果的,对直接负责的主管人员和其他直接责任人员,处()以下有期徒刑或者拘役.
A.二年 B.三年 C.五年 D.七年 我来回答: 提交