It was a fixing sight: there, in the Capitol itself, a U.S. Senator often mocked for his halting, inarticulate speaking, reached deep into his Midwestern roots and spoke eloquently, even poetically, about who he was and what he believed, stunning politicians and journalists alike.
I refer, of course, to Senator Jefferson Smith. In Frank Capra’s classic Mr. Smith Goes to Washington, Jimmy Stewart plays this simple, idealistic small-town American, mocked and scorned by the big-moneyed, oh-so-sophisticated power elite--only to triumph over a corrupt Establishment with his rock-solid goodness.
At root, it is this role that soon-to-be-ex-Senator Bob Dole most aspires to play: the self effacing, quietly powerful small-town man from Main Street who outwits the cosmopolitan, slick-talking snob from the fleshpots. And why not There is, after all, no more enduring American icon.
How enduring Before Americans had a Constitution, Thomas Jefferson w
A. undervaluing those of humble origins
B. paying tribute to native intellectuals
C. giving impetus to personal pursuits
D. worshipping their heroes and heroines
{{B}}Gun Rights in the US{{/B}} Immediately after the shooting at Virginia Tech University, Americans gathered to mourn the dead. The president and the state governor both hurried there to share the{{U}} (51) {{/U}}. But the majority of Americans still cling to their right to{{U}} (52) {{/U}}weapons. Strictly speaking, the US is not the only country{{U}} (53) {{/U}}gun violence has destroyed lives, families and communities in everyday circumstance. But the US is one of the{{U}} (54) {{/U}}countries that seems unwilling and politically incapable of doing anything serious to stop it. In countries like Britain and Canada, the government adopted stricter{{U}} (55) {{/U}}control soon after serious gun A. fire B. attacks C. rights D. violence [简答题](1分)架空线路組成的5大部分及各部分的作用?
-避雷线及接地装置:用来将雷电流引入大地,保证线路免遭直击雷的破坏。 -杆塔:支撑导线和避雷线,使导线间,导线和大地之间保持一定的安全距离。 -绝缘子:用来使导线和杆塔之间绝缘,并保持一定的绝缘距离。 -金具及附件:用于连接保证导线,使导线固定在绝緣子上,将護线条和绝緣子固定在杆塔上。 [单选题]从列车闸瓦压上车轮后到列车停止所走过的距离叫( )。
A.制动距离 B.空走距离 C.有效制动距离 D.距离 [单选题]221071.管内导线包括绝缘层在内的总截面积不应大于管子内空截面积的( )。( )
A.0.4 B.0.5 C.0.6 D.0.7 [简答题]简述《春江花月夜》在艺术上的成功之处。
[单项选择]如果危机发生时,公司能够采取非常有效的办法来消除危机,实际上能够增加公司的声誉。一个非常好的声誉,可能因为一个事件,转眼间就被破坏;而一个不好的声誉,往往需要很长时间的努力才能消除它。 如果以上陈述为真,最能支持以下哪项陈述( )
A. 破坏一个好声誉比消除一个不好的声誉更容易 B. 如果声誉的风险不算风险的话,就不存在风险了 C. 维持公司的声誉是董事会最重要的职责 D. 消除一个不好的声誉比赢得一个好声誉还难 [单选题]消防控制室至少应不少于( )人值班。
A.1 B.2 C.3 D.4 [判断题]在运营时间内,原则上不准进行影响行车、影响客车出入车厂或影响运营服务质量的设备检修施工作业。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]机组负荷变化时通过调节蒸汽初温、初压改变负荷。
[简答题]02-22 06:32:07.366 17609 17609 I
A. 1倍 B. 1.5倍 C. 1.1倍 D. 0.95倍 [多项选择]下列关于法律原则与法律规范的区别表述正确的是( )。
A. 从规范的内容和文字的表述来看,法律规范是明确具体的,并且有着较为严格的内部逻辑结构;法律原则往往比较抽象 B. 在具体的法律适用中,法律原则的适用表现为“非此即彼”或“全有全无”的模式;而法律规范在适用过程中,两个甚至多个原则可以在同一个案件中同时适用而不构成冲突和矛盾 C. 法律规范的适用范围较为狭窄;法律原则的适用范围则相对要广泛得多 D. 法律规范主要是规范性的;法律原则主要是价值性或道德性的 [单项选择]不符合变性的病变是
A. 浆细胞内出现玻璃样小滴 B. 肝细胞内出现脂滴 C. 血管壁出现半透明、均匀红染的物质 D. 心肌细胞内出现空泡 E. 脂肪细胞内出现空泡 [多项选择]在以下的城市发展模式中哪些符合分散发展大城市的理论:
A. 城市聚集区 B. 田园城市 C. 大城市带 D. 卫星城 [多项选择]下列关于人际关系理论的观点,正确的是( )。
A. 处理好人一机矛盾是其核心 B. 企业中存在着非正式组织 C. 工人是“社会人”而不是“经济人” D. 尽量减少动作和时间上的浪费,以提高生产率 E. 新的领导能力在于提高工人的满意度 我来回答: 提交