In our society the razor of necessity
cuts close. You must make a buck to survive the day. You must work to make a
buck. The job is often a chore, rarely a delight. No matter how demeaning the
task, no matter how it dulls the senses or breaks the spirit, one must work.
Lately there has been a questioning of this "work ethic", especially by the
young. Strangely enough, it has touched off profound grievances in others
hitherto silent and anonymous. Unexpected precincts are being heard from in a show of discontent by blue collar and white. On the evening bus the tense, pinched faces of young file clerks and elderly secretaries tell us more than we care to know. On the expressways middle-management men pose without grace behind their wheels, as they flee city and job. In all, there is more than a slight ache. And there dangles A. in modern society people are under great work pressure B. nowadays people want to enjoy life more than do hard work C. work should be to people more than just a means to survive D. more jobs of delight should be created for people [单选题]( )全国开展“向雷锋同志学习”的热潮始于( )。
A.1961年 B.1962年 C.1963年 D.1964年 [单选题] 在感性负载交流电路中,采用的( )方法可提高电路功率因数
A. 串联电阻 B.串联电容 C.并联电容 [单项选择]278.某青年在踢足球时扭伤右膝关节,疼痛、肿胀;经过休息后好转,能正常上班,但游泳时疼痛明显,3个月后经常出现绞锁、弹响,肌肉萎缩。
可能的诊断是 A. 交叉韧带损伤 B. 侧副韧带损伤 C. 半月板损伤 D. 盘状半月板 E. 半月板囊肿 [单选题] BOM出现( )会导致操作员显示触摸屏无法触控。
①触摸屏数据线故障 ②工控机应用软件故障 ③工控机至交换机的网线异常 ④桌面发行单元故障 A.① B.①/② C.①/②/③ D.①/②/③/④ [判断题]无补偿直埋敷设的直管段,不采取人为的热补偿措施的直埋敷设方式?
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]电缆线路设备巡查时,人员应与220kV带电电缆设备应保持至少()的安全距离。
A.1.5m B.2m C.2.5 D.3m E.略 F.略 [单选题]更换高压熔断器时应戴(____)。
A. 绝缘手套 B. 手套 C. 一般手套 D. 医用手套 [多选题]行政机关调查终结,其负责人应当对调查结果进行审查,根据不同情况作出决定。下列
表述正确的是() A.违法行为轻微,依法可以不予行政处罚的,不予行政处罚 B.违法事实不能成立的,不得给予行政处罚 C.违法行为已构成犯罪的,移送司法机关 D.确有应受行政处罚的违法行为的,根据情节轻重及具体情况,做出行政处罚决定 审查根据不同情况分别作出如下决定一确有应受行政处罚的违法行为的根据情节轻重及具 体情况作出行政处罚决定二违法行为轻微依法可以不予行政处罚的不予行政处罚三违法事 实不能成立的不得给予行政处罚四违法行为已构成犯罪的移送司法机关。对情节复杂或者重 大违法行为给予较重的行政处罚行政机关的负责人应当集体讨论决定。 [单选题]( 判断题 ) 气体燃料是锅炉燃料中最为理想的燃料,是最清洁的能源。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]24.压疮的好发部位不包括
A.A.头高足低位一足跟 B.B.侧卧位一踝部 C.C.俯卧位一膝部 D.D.坐位一坐骨结节 E.E.仰卧位一髂前上棘 F.答案错误,自行解答 [单项选择] 阅读下面短文,从短文后所给的[A]、[B]、[C]三个选项中选出能填入相应空白处的最佳选项。