患者,男,52岁,高血压心脏病病史10年,1d前因上呼吸道感染在门诊静脉滴注抗生素,速度较快,2h前出现呼吸困难。 |
Personnel changes at the International
Monetary Fund and proposals for changing the fund have been reported lately.
After a lengthy public debate, the leading countries settled on another German,
Horst Kohler, to replace Michel Camdessus as the IMF’s managing director.
Unfortunately, the circus-like process began to resemble an affirmative-action
procedure when it became clear that a particular nationality--German--was a
prerequisite for the job. Calls for changes at the IMF came in the report from Congress’ International Financial Institution Advisory Commission, led by Allan H. Meltzer. (I was a witness before the commission on issues related to inequality.) The Meltzer Commission’s report surprised me by not advocating abolition of the IMF. The report said: "The commission did not join the council of despair calling fo A. He advocates the abolition of the IMF. B. He calls for the elimination of one or more of these institutions. C. He is the IMF’s managing director. D. He is the leader of the International Financial Institution Advisory Commission. [判断题]临时定点列车:在《技规》中是指以列车运行图文件及有关文电加开的列车。()
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]发病率可以表示为()
A. (观察期内的新病例数÷同期暴露人数)×100% B. (观察期内的新病例数÷同期平均人数)×100% C. (观察期内的旧病例数÷同期暴露人数)×100% D. (观察期内的新旧病例数÷同期平均人数)×100% E. (观察期内的新旧病例数÷同期暴露人数)×100% [单项选择]
A. Training for a professional athlete. B. His ways of physical training. C. How to do cross-country running. D. How to do mountain climbing. [填空题]两个以上的吊点,使用吊环时,钢丝绳的夹角不宜过大,一般应在()之内。
[单选题]磁通密度的单位名称是( )。
A.特[斯拉] B.安培 C. )千瓦•时 D.欧姆 我来回答: 提交