The function of the office is to
perform administrative work. First, it must provide the necessary communications
with customers, banks, government departments, and other outside organizations.
Second, it must service the information requirements within the company itself.
In order to meet these needs efficiently, the Office Manager must employ the
most appropriate business methods, systems and equipment. In an efficient administrative structure, clerical operations are organized so that they add to the profitability of the business. However, in many countries the number of clerical staff has increased while the total number of workers employed in production has fallen. In Britain, for example, the total workforce in the years 1919-1976 went up by 25%, while the number of people who were employed in clerical work increased by 150%. F A. By not making data available to all managers. B. By using the same data processing systems. C. By checking business correspondence. D. By depending on a manufacturing base. [判断题]应急器材箱里的应急物资可以随意取用,不必登记。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择][复合型非选择题]男性,41岁。搭乘公共汽车时,突然刹车撞击前排座位后感右髋部疼痛,屈曲内收畸形,弹性固定。为明确诊断首选下列哪项检查()
A. X线检查 B. DSA C. MRI D. CT E. B超 [单选题] 风力发电机组升压变中使用的普通型电缆接头,()带电插拔
A.禁止 B.可以 C.允许 [判断题]在不配备专用调车机车和调车人员的大多数中间站,车站助理值班员担当调车指挥人。()
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]建设工程项目信息管理的核心手段是( )。
A. 信息管理的任务分工和职能分工 B. 建立有效的信息输入输出模型 C. 基于互联网的信息处理平台 D. 编制信息管理工作的工作流程图 [判断题]应对雨雪冰冻灾害救援,各地应在充分评估的基础上,将重型除雪车、大型破冰除雪车、蒸汽车、雪地摩托等纳入采购配备范畴。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]目前作为心肌损伤确诊标志物的是()
A. cTn B. CK C. MB D. LD1 E. AST [判断题]测电阻时,不能带电测量。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]如旅客需要碳酸饮料,应主动询问是否需要加冰,其他不需要询问。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]临时机构开立临时存款账户应出具的证明文件( )
A.驻在地政府部门同意设立临时机构的批文 B.临时机构的组织机构代码证(按当地人行要求) C.税务登记证(从事经营活动的) D.法定代表人(负责人)身份证件 E.授权他人办理的,应出具被授权人身份证件、单位法定代表人(负责人)的授权书及其身份证件 [多选题]连接卡环由什么组成()
A.两个半环 B.螺栓 C.螺母 D.防松片 [判断题]用于扑救电气设备、仪器仪表以及油类等初期火灾宜选配干粉灭火器。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]智能配变终端入网检测检测项目包括(____)。
A.性能试验 B.通信与通信协议 C.绝缘强度 D.电磁兼容 我来回答: 提交