People can get emotional about
immigration. Bill O’Reilly, a talk-show host, devoted a recent segment to the
story of an illegal alien who got drunk and accidentally killed two attractive
white girls with his car. If only he had been deported for previous
misdemeanours, Mr. O’Reilly raged, those girls would still be alive.
Another talk-show host, Geraldo Rivera, during an on-air shout-joust(争吵) with
Mr. O’ Reilly, denounced his demagogic choice of story-angle as" a
sin". President George Bush tried again this week to bring a more rational tone to the debate. He urged the new Democratic Congress to revive the immigration reforms that the old Republican Congress killed last year. His proposal was broadly the same as before. He said he wanted to make it harder to enter America illegally, but easier to do so legally, and to offer A. Bill O’Reilly. B. Geraldo Rivera. C. Ted Kennedy. D. the pro-immigrant wings. [填空题]
Philanthropy It has become an American tradition that those who attain great wealth return some of it to the public through philanthropy. An early example of this was the generosity of Amos Lawrence of Massachusetts, a wealthy merchant who in the 1830s and afterwards contributed much money for famine relief in Ireland. He also donated generously to educational and other humanitarian causes. In the early years of the twentieth century several men who had amassed vast (1) likewise became great philanthropists. Andrew Carnegie, an exceptionally energetic man, (2) has begun working twelve hours a day when he was only fourteen years old, (3) one of the world’s richest men by pioneering in the steel (4) . After his retirement in 1900 he devoted his time and his wealth to the (5) of free public libraries. He also set up foundations for medical research and (6) world peace. [多选题]新修规中属于大型养路机械捣固维修主要内容( )
A.调整线路几何尺寸 B.调整道岔(调节器)各部尺寸,拨正曲线,调整超高 C.更换、方正和修理轨枕 D.整治道床翻浆冒泥,清筛枕盒和边坡不洁道床,补充道砟,整理道床 [多选题]监控系统是由( )、( )、( )、( )、( )5大部分组成 。
A.摄像 B.传输 C.控制 D.显示 E.记录登记 [单选题]亚急性心内膜炎
A. Ewart 征 B. Graham Steell 杂音 C/ Roth 点 D. Austin-Flint 杂音
A.A B.B C.C D.D [简答题]在张艺谋拍摄的影片《有话好好说》中,饰演“安红”的是我国内地哪位女明星?
[单选题]从业人员发现直接危及人身安全的紧急情况时,( )停止作业或者在采取可能的应急措施后撤离作业场所。
A..无权 B.有权 C.不得 [判断题]依据《中国南方电网有限责任公司电力安全工作规程》,当发现金属材料的配电箱、电表箱箱体带电时,工作人员不应直接接触箱体,应断开上一级电源将其停电,查明带电原因,并作相应处理。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]与急性肾小球肾炎有关的细菌是()
A. 金黄色葡萄球菌 B. 大肠杆菌 C. β溶血性链球菌 D. 铜绿假单胞菌 E. 表皮葡萄球菌 [多项选择]卷盒背脊厚度为()mm。
A. 20 B. 30 C. 40 D. 50 E. 60 [单选题]神经细胞兴奋时首先发生扩布性动作电位的部位是( )。
A.胞体 B.树突 C.轴突始段 D.轴突 E.轴突末梢 [判断题]办理现金业务的银行业金融机构办理假币收缴业务时应当向假币持有人开具假币收缴凭证。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]低压开关(熔丝)拉开(取下)后,应在适当位置悬挂“禁止合闸,有人工作!”或“禁止合闸,线路有人工作!”标示牌。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]
患者,68岁,急性心肌梗死,一旦出现房颤。 对于这个患者测量心率和脉率的正确方法是( )A. 一个人测心率另一个人测脉率同时测一分钟 B. 一个人先测心率后测脉率 C. 一人先测脉率后测心率 D. 报告医师由医师来测心率脉率 E. 一人发口令和计时,另一人测心率脉率 [多项选择]属于药学信息范畴的是
A. 药学教育信息 B. 药学管理信息 C. 药物生产和上市信息 D. 药物专利信息 E. 药物的价格信息 [单项选择]患者,男,30岁,因排泡沫尿1周入院,当时行超声检查,双肾未见明显异常。住院后行右肾穿刺活检,3天后再次行超声检查发现右肾包膜下异常低回声区,范围约4cm×2cm。CDFI:其内未见血流信号。最可能是()。
A. 右肾错构瘤 B. 右肾癌 C. 右肾血管瘤 D. 右肾周围血肿 E. 右肾脂肪瘤 [判断题] 被取保候审人在逃的,公安机关应当向其成年家属、法定代理人、辩护人或者单位、居住地的居民委员会、村民委员会宣布没收保证金的决定,并由侦查人员在没收保证金决定书上注明。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]《客运安全红线管理办法》(客管函〔2020〕10号)规定安全红线的制定要坚持( )。
A.底线思维 B.问题导向 C.行为定义 D.战略思维 [多选题]组织事前质量控制的技术准备工作,包括( )等技术经济文件的编制,并在实施执行中进行指导监督。
A.施工方案 B.施工面积 C.作业指导书 D.施工图预算 E.施工技术准备 [单选题] 社会主义的本质是(),发展生产力,消灭剥削,消除两极分化,最终达到共产富裕。
A.解放生产力 B.实行公有制 C.按劳分配 [单项选择]具有泻下软坚、清热功效的药物是()
A. 大黄 B. 芦荟 C. 芒硝 D. 番泻叶 E. 郁李仁 [单项选择]在“夫病已成而后药之,乱已成而后治之,譬犹渴而穿井,斗而铸锥,不亦晚乎!”中,作者的语气是()
A. 幽默 B. 热情 C. 讥讽 D. 淡漠 我来回答: 提交