The climate of any place is the kind of
weather it usually has over a long time. The kinds of homes we live in, the
clothes we wear, even the foods we eat depend on the climate of the place where
we live. Climate is a complicated pattern; it is affected by many things. Nearness to the equator is important. If you live near one of the poles, you live in a cold climate, for you do not get as much or as direct sunshine as you would get farther from the poles. If you live near the equator, you live in a warm or very hot climate, for this is the region where the sun shines almost straight down. How much rain or snow falls makes a great difference to the climate. You may live in a hot, dry land, where little rain falls. This will be a desert. Its climate is quite different from that of a rainforest, which may be the same dist A. distance from either of the Poles B. distance from the equator C. the amount of rain or snow falls D. all of the above [判断题]生态环境主管部门可以当场认定违法排放污染物的,应当在事后调查时向排污者送达责令改正违法行为决定书,责令立即停止违法排放污染物行为。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]变压器铁心接地电流检测装置一般有哪两种?
A. 评估承接认证量 B. 分析开发批量需求 C. 分析余量需求 D. 评估资金供应能力 [单选题]()组织分析总结风险控制工作,开展作业风险管理常态化检查,确保作业现场风险控制措施落实。
A.每天 B.每周 C.每月 D.每季度 E.略 F.略 [单项选择]患者,女,13岁,上下牙拥挤Ⅲ°,安氏Ⅱ类上颌前突,骨性高角患者,ANB80,下颌向前方的生长发育已相当有限。应使用哪种矫治器()
A. 方丝弓矫治器 B. 功能性矫治器 C. 上颌平面导板桥治器 D. 前方牵引矫治器 E. “2×4”矫治技术 [单项选择]X线胸片透亮增强,肺纹理增粗,膈肌降低,肋骨走向变平,肋间隙增宽。时间肺活量降低,残气量增加。肺有散在湿啰音,考虑下列哪种病变
A. 双侧肺大疱 B. 慢性支气管炎 C. 支气管哮喘发作 D. 肺气肿合并感染 E. 肺囊肿 [单项选择]17、18世纪,欧洲绘画进一步摆脱了宗教的束缚,肖像画、风景画、风俗画、静物画、动物画都获得了极大的发展,涌现出一批杰出的画家,其中______的《战舰归航》是当时的代表作之一。 ( )
A. 鲁本斯 B. 伦勃朗 C. 透纳 D. 复尔丹 [单项选择]用汇编语言或高级语言编写的程序,一般称为
A. 源程序 B. 目标程序 C. 机器程序 D. 低级程序 [多选题]定期检查和试验周期为半年的电气安全用具有:( )
A.绝缘手套 B.绝缘垫 C.高压验电器 D.竹(木)梯
A.A B.B C.C D.D E.E F.F [判断题]10kV冷缩式电力电缆中间接头制作恢复外护套绕包防水带时,防水带应覆盖接头两端的电缆外护套各30mm。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交