Outwardly you may be on friendly terms
with the people next door, but, if the truth (1) known, you
would not think much of them. Their ways may be (2) enough,
but they are not your ways. It is not hatred, far (3) envy;
neither is it contempt exactly. Only you do not understand why they live as they
(4) . You judge people by their social background. They were
not brought up as you were—not that they are to blame (5)
that, but certain advantages that you had were (6) by them.
Rude noises come from that house next door that you would not (7)
from respectable people. Laughter late (8) night,
when you want to sleep—how coarse door always (9) , and what
a variety of songs! Why do they never try a new one There (10)
be new songs from time to time but you (11) A. always B. must C. often D. have to [多选题]当处置易燃、有毒气体泄漏现场时,战斗展开需( )
A.消防车应停放在灾害现场上风或侧上风处,并能随时进攻或撤离 B.消防人员在战斗展开前要做好安全防护,携带相应的检测仪器,边检测,边接近泄漏源 C.有可能发生爆燃的易燃气体泄漏现场,在未控制着火源的情况下,不能盲目战斗展开 D.消防人员必须做好防中毒的安全防护后才能进入有毒区域 [判断题]回火保险器的作用是防止焊接、切割时,焊炬、割炬发生回火。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]静态逆变器不工作时,蓄电池至少可以提供( )紧急照明。
A.2 分钟 B.10分钟 C.45分钟 D.50分钟 [判断题]室内照明灯开关断开时,开关两端电位差为0V。
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]下列不属于认股权证筹资缺点的有( )。
A. 稀释普通股收益 B. 容易分散企业的控制权 C. 会妨碍其他筹资方式的运用 D. 认股权证依附于普通股,不能独立筹资 [单项选择] Everyone knows how the story of Cinderella ends, but did you ever really think about how she spent her days before she met the prince Her daily routine was not fascinating. She did everything from sweeping the floor to cooking the meals. If someone had asked Cinderella, "Are there any kinds of household work that you particularly hate " She probably would have answered, "Why, none, of course. Housework is my dirty!" In the real world, however, most people have definite dislikes for certain sorts of household work. Two of these tasks are ironing clothes and washing dishes.
Ironing clothes is most hated because it is not a task that can be completed quickly or thoughtlessly. Each piece of clothing must be handled individually, so ironing a basket of laundry can take hours! After ironing a piece of clothing with great caution, which requires smoothing out the fabric, and following the seams, you need to place it on a hanger as soon as possible. If you do not follow these directi
A. it requires patience B. it is not a daily routine C. it is not laborious D. it demands less care [判断题]灭火救援过程中,不需要指定专人负责信息报送工作,可由其他号员通过公网手持台、作战指挥系统、作战指挥调度群等第一时间报送接处警画面、文字和语音等信息。()
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]麻子仁丸主治的是()
A. 食积便秘 B. 血虚便秘 C. 气虚便秘 D. 脾约便秘 E. 冷积便秘 [单选题]大量不保留灌肠时,灌肠筒内液面距肛门约( )
A.40~50cm B.40~60cm C.45~60cm D.50~60cm E.60~70cm [单项选择]
目前认为99mTc-MIBI进入心肌细胞后主要分布于() A. 细胞核内 B. 散在细脑浆中 C. 线粒体内 D. 吸附在细胞膜内层 E. 细胞核膜上 [单项选择]化脓性脑膜炎时,脑脊液的颜色是()
A. 红色 B. 黄色 C. 白色 D. 五色 E. 黑色 [单项选择]建设工程文件归档整理中,属于施工文件的是 。
A. 施工承包合同 B. 建设工程施工许可证 C. 工程图纸变更汜录 D. 财产明细表 [填空题]评价反思过程包括在教学之前对教学设计效果的______,在教学过程中对教学的______以及在教学之后的检验和反思。
A. 空气温度 B. 空气湿度 C. 空气流速 D. 物料本身特性 [填空题]硫化氢空气混合爆炸极限为()。
关于民用航空器使用禁区的规定是()。 A.绝对不得飞入 B.符合目视气象条件方可飞入 C.按照国家规定经批准后方可飞入 D.符合仪表气象条件方可飞入 [多项选择]决策期的管理策划包括()。
A. 项目实施期管理总体方案 B. 项目实施各阶段项目管理的工作内容 C. 生产运营期设施管理总体方案 D. 项目风险管理与工程保险方案 E. 生产运营期经营管理总体方案 [多项选择]国际收支中的资本项目集中反映了一国同国外资金往来的情况,主要有( )。
A. 政府和银行的借款 B. 企业信贷 C. 直接投资 D. 劳务收支 E. 贸易收支 [填空题] 道岔的基本形式为轨道的连接、轨道的交叉以及 ( ) ( )的组合。
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