It might appear to any casual visitor
who may have taken a few rides about town in a taxicab that all New Yorkers are
filled with a loudmouthed iii will towards each other. The fact of the , matter
is, though, that however cold and cruel things seem on the surface, there has
never been a society of people in all history with so much compassion for its
fellow man. It clothes, feeds, and houses 15 percent of its own because 1.26
million people in New York are unable to do it for themselves. You couldn’t call
that cold or cruel. Everyone must have seen pictures at least of the great number of poor people who live in New York. And it seems strange, in view of this, that so many people come here seeking their fortune. But if anything about the city’s population is more expressive than the great number of poor people, it’s the gr A. they don’t like New York at all B. they don’t like the old things in New York C. they don’t know much about New York’s past D. they do not relate New York’s past to their own roots [单选题]1953年出版的《新华字典》,是新中国第一部以白话释义、用白话举例的现代汉语规范字典。尽管这部字典内找不到任何编者的姓名,然而,“新华辞书社”五个字背后,汇集了一批声名卓著的大家:叶圣陶、魏建功、邵荃麟、陈原、王力、吕叔湘……《新华字典》集全国之力编著而成,从国家领导人、学术名家,到广大群众,都倾注了各自的心血。对这段文字的概括准确的是( )。
A.《新华字典》是举全国之力编辑而成的 B.《新华字典》是名家大师的鼎力之作 C.《新华字典》是我国第一部现代汉语字典 D.《新华字典》在我国辞书史上具有里程碑意义 [填空题]消防知识的“三懂三会”中,“三懂”是指:懂得火灾懂得火灾的危害性、懂得火灾的扑救方法、懂得()。“三会”是指:会报火警、()、会火灾逃生。
[单选题]因影响行车的技术设备施工,货物列车正点率由铁路局以书面文件、电报调整列车运行图中的列车运行时分,根据( )的时分统计。
A.实际运行 B.掌握 C.调整 D.调度统计 [多选题]紧线、撤线前,应检查( )。必要时,应加固桩锚或增设临时拉线。
A.拉线 B.桩锚 C.杆塔 D.工具 [多项选择]设备运杂费的构成有( )。
A. 关税 B. 包装费 C. 设备供销部门手续费 D. 外贸手续费 E. 采购与仓库保管费 [单项选择]威尔逊认为,行政学侧重于研究( )
A. 国家的性质 B. 主权的本质和地位 C. 有关国家根本制度的基本理论 D. 政府的具体行政管理过程 [单项选择]磷脂酰肌醇4,5二磷酸经磷脂酶C作用后的产物是
A. 磷脂酸和二磷酸肌醇 B. 溶血磷脂酰肌醇和脂肪酸 C. 甘油二酯和三磷酸肌醇 D. 磷酸甘油、脂肪酸及二磷酸肌醇 [单选题]驾驶车辆进入高速公路加速车道后,应尽快将车速提高到每小时多少公里以上?
A.A.30 B.B.40 C.C.50 D.D.60 [单项选择]下列属于安全机制管理的是()
A. 总体安全策略的管理 B. 数字签名管理 C. 安全审计管理 D. 事件处理管理 [简答题]“产品和服务”包括哪些类别?
A. 防风通圣丸 B. 小柴胡片 C. 辛芩颗粒 D. 鼻渊舒口服液 E. 牛黄解毒片 我来回答: 提交