{{B}}Money and Love{{/B}} When the Romantic Movement was still in its first favor, it was a common matter of debate{{U}} (36) {{/U}} people should marry for love or for money. The young people concerned usually favored love, and their parents usually favored money. In the novels of the period the dilemma was felicitously (巧妙地) solved by the discovery,{{U}} (37) {{/U}}the last page{{U}} (38) {{/U}}the apparently penniless heroine was really a great heiress. But in real life young men{{U}} (39) {{/U}}hoped for this denouement (结局) were apt to be disappointed. Prudent parents,{{U}} (40) {{/U}}admitting that their daughters should marry for love, took care{{U}} (41) {{/U}}all the young men they met should be rich. This method was sometimes very A. less B. least C. better D. best [单选题]紧急救护采用口对口(鼻)人工呼吸时,向被救护者口(鼻)吹气,频率宜为( )。
A.每5秒钟一次,每次吹2秒钟; B.每10秒钟一次,每次吹2秒钟; C.每5秒钟一次,每次吹5秒钟 [填空题] A few years ago it was (36)____to speak of a generation gap, a division between young people and their elders. Parents (37)____that children did not show them proper respect and (38)____, while children complained that their parents did not understand them at all. What had gone wrong Why had the generation gap suddenly appeared (39)____, the generation gap has been around for a long time. Many (40)____argue that it is built into the fabric of our society.
One important cause of the generation gap is the opportunity that young people have to choose their own life-styles. In more (41)____societies, when children grow up, they are expected to live in the same area as their parents, to marry people that their parents know and (42)____of, and often to continue the family (43)____.
In our society, young people often travel great distances for their educations, move out of the family home at an early age, marry or live with (44)___________________________. In our upwardly mobi
A.1.5mmol/L B.2.5mmol/L C.3.5mmol/L D.4.5mmol/L E.5.5mmol/L [单项选择]多个Windows应用程序之间可以方便地通过( )交换数据。
A. 邮箱 B. 文本区 C. 对话框 D. 剪贴板 [单选题]工作票应由()签发。
A. 工作负责人 B. 工作票签发人 C. 工作许可人 [单选题]人民警察使用驱逐性、制服性警械,应当以()为限度。
A.不致违法犯罪行为人伤残 B.惩治违法犯罪行为人 C.保障人民警察的人身安全 D.制止违法犯罪行为 [单项选择]美国国家飞机标准(NAS)铆钉标识符号中,()表示除直径和长度以外铆钉的其他特性。
A. 左上角 B. 右上角 C. 左下角 D. 右下角 [单选题]在消防车的最大供水高度计算时,沿楼梯铺设水带时,登高水带长度为实际供水高度的几倍。 ( )( 中 )
A.1.2 B.1.5 C.1.8 D.2.0 [单选题]隐患排查应做到全面覆盖、责任到人,()。
A.定期排查与日常管理相结合 B.专业排查与综合排查相结合 C.以上两种均包括 [单选题]时间同步网维修项目与周期中属于年检修项目的是( )。
A.时间同步设备频率输入信号检查 B.系统数据备份并转储 C.卫星接收机运行状态检查 D.时间同步设备输出口时间偏差测试 [单选题]飞机着陆时使用后缘襟翼的作用是( )
A. 提高飞机的操纵灵敏性 B. 增加飞机的稳定性 C. 增加飞机的升力 [单项选择]下列数学模型中,不作为拟合缓(控)释制剂药物释放曲线的是()
A. Weibull分布函数 B. 米氏方程 C. 一级速率方程 D. 零级速率方程 E. Higuchi方程 [判断题]CRH1A型动车组制动盘偏磨限度(两摩擦环厚度差)要求≤1mm。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]在讨论负背压EGR阀时,技师甲说控制阀是靠排气系统的高压脉冲开启的;技师乙说控制阀是靠排气系统的低压脉冲开启的。试问谁正确()
A. 甲正确 B. 乙正确 C. 两人均正确 D. 两人均不正确 [多选题]当线路发生故障时,下列关于视觉信号说法正确的是( )。
A.夜间用红灯,列车看到此信号立即停车 B.当列车看到黄灯时,应按规定降低到要求的速度运行 C.当看到绿灯正面迎车时,列车按规定速度运行 D.当列车看到白灯上下急剧摇动时,列车要立即停车 [单选题]双线区段线桥工区应配备的停车信号牌、减速信号牌、减速地点标、“T”字减速信号的数量为( )。
A.2个 B.4个 C.6个 D.8个 [判断题]使用改变磁极对数来调速的电机一般都是绕线型转子电动机。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]通过报文读写工具BEPT可以改写有源应答器的数据报文,可以对无源应答器存储的报文数据进行读出校核。()
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]如果你是某物业服务公司的管理人员,请说明物业管理包干制和酬金制的概念
A. 嗳腐吞酸 B. 饥而不欲食 C. 口燥咽干 D. 舌红津少脉细数 E. 呕吐反复发作或时作干呕 [判断题]现代导游服务是一种专业化、职业化的服务,不以盈利为目的。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]检查某药物中的重金属,称取样品1.0g,依法检查,与标准铅溶液(10μgPb/ml)1.0ml在相同条件下制成的对照溶液比较,不得更深。重金属的限量为()。
A. 百分之一 B. 百万分之十 C. 百万分之二十 D. 0.01% E. 0.1% 我来回答: 提交