{{B}}Guidelines for Writing Your CV{{/B}} {{I}}{{B}}A well-produced CV can make all the difference when applying for a job.{{/B}}{{/I}} It can take a reader just 30 seconds to reach a decision about a CV. So when writing a CV, you should remember you have just half a minute to{{U}} (19) {{/U}}the reader’s interest, leave a clear{{U}} (20) {{/U}}of professionalism and indicate the likely{{U}} (21) {{/U}}to an employer of hiring you. To prepare a CV which is{{U}} (22) {{/U}}will take time and possibly several drafts. Layout, presentation a A. A.inform B.suggest C.appear D.instruct [单选题]人用以感知、记忆、思维等心理活动过程为基础的系统整体来对自己身心状态与外界环境变化的知觉和认识是( )
A.思维活动 B.语言活动 C.认识活动 D.意识活动 [单选题] 脚手架的外侧、斜道和平台应设( )m高的护栏,0.6m处设中栏杆和不小于180mm高的挡脚板或设防护立网。 (1.0分)
A. 1.0 B. 1.2 C. 1.1 D. 1.05 [判断题]断路器调试中,只要求行程达到要求,超行程可以不考虑。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]下列关于审计工作底稿的说法中,错误的是( )。
A.审计工作底稿是控制审计质量的手段 B.审计工作底稿是明确审计人员责任的依据 C.审计工作底稿是编写审计报告的依据 D.非重大事项的审计工作底稿不需要进行审核 [简答题]简述贯通道的作用?
Kenneth Cole [单选题]已经产生回火脆化的Cr-Mo耐热钢,在( )℃加热保温1h后空冷,可以恢复原有性能。
A.500~600 B.600~700 C.400~500 D.900~1000 [多选题]根据现场安装环境和土建情况的不同,轨旁AP箱的安装方式主要有()。
A.隧道壁安装 B.碎石地面安装 C.水泥地面安装 D.土质地面安装 [单选题]传染病患者护理的概述
题目内容.确定一种传染病的检疫期是根据该病的 可选项. A.最短潜伏期 B.平均潜伏期 C.最长潜伏期 D.传染期 E.前驱期 [单项选择]晴天大气电场日变化中的海洋极地型:具有()型,它与世界时有关。
A. 单峰单谷 B. 单峰 C. 单谷 D. 双峰双谷 [单项选择]与关节病型银屑病有关的HLA抗原是()
A. HLA-B17 B. HLA-B13 C. HLA-B27 D. HLA-CW6 E. HLA-BW16 [名词解释]热流密度
A. 氨曲南 B. 米诺环素 C. 卡那霉素 D. 克拉霉素 E. 螺旋霉素 [简答题]旅客列车发生火灾爆炸时对疏散旅客有什么要求?《南昌铁路局客运站车火灾爆炸事故应急预案》(南铁客〔2017〕40号)3.1.3
[填空题]Public colleges must be stewards (管家) of the public’s trust and of students’ and taxpayers’ dollars. They should be (36) for containing costs and for spending on what matters most: preparing students to be active learners, career-ready and engaged citizens. Public colleges are using myriad strategies to cut costs and keep college (37) . These include (38) administrative expenses; eliminating low-enrollment programs and student support services; and achieving cost savings in energy management and employee health care.
Fast-rising tuition increases may make it seem that institutional spending is out of (39) However, public colleges’ collective (40) per full-time student has actually been fiat in recent years. The primary reason for escalating (逐步上升) tuition prices has been the state-to-student cost shift that has taken place in who pays for a public higher education. States have gradually (41) from their publi [单选题](1.00分)大地水准面是通过( )的水准面。
A.赤道 B.地球椭球面 C.平均海水面 D.中央子午线 我来回答: 提交